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OT (Kinda) - Hey STalkers !

Major Blunder's picture

Hey STalkers!

I’ve been busy with at work and home with our upcoming move but didn’t want anyone to think I had fled the scene, I haven’t had time to read anything lately on the site so I hope everyone is hanging in there, a few of you can reach me if you need to off the site.

In my spare time I have been working on the lair for the Step Talk Vigilante Squad and started digging for the Step Talk Under Ground Rail Road, that is going real slowwwww, think I need a bigger shovel !

Keep fighting the good fight, know which hills are worth dying on and for gawds sake take care of yourselves, I’ll be back more when I have more time !




CLove's picture

Glad to hear from you again, Major.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

Miss ya

StepUltimate's picture

Glad your positive attitude is still shining, even when you're busy. *yes3*