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A little clarity

MadeMyBed's picture

Anyone else have a BM who takes all HER worst traits and says DH has them? I mean, she must have brains and clarity enough to SEE these crazy traits because she is always pinning them on DH.

So just annoyed today because, long story short, crazy BM, also know as "Single Mother Just Trying to Make it in this Crazy World" is on the warpath. When we went through a trial 2 years ago for her removal of the Skids 1500 miles away she had a boyfriend. She ordered this poor sap around so much it was hilarious (although reminiscent of DH's life with her so Im told). So she fully expects Poor Sap to move with her. WRONG! For once he grows some and doesnt go! And since then all men run from her so she is angry, bitter, alone and definitely regreting her decision to move (although she'd NEVER admit it).

DH ONLY contacts her about the kids or the property they own together. I would estimate this occurs approx. once a month. But to crazy BM he is "harassing her" and "has no life" and what life he does have "she wishes was better because he obviously has such a bad life with nothing going on in it that he has to harass her". Um, no, sorry jealous biach!

And then the "Oh, Im just a single mother trying to make it in this crazy worl alone and nurture my chiillllllllddreeeeennn!" Boo FRAKIN Hoo! YOU moved away from DH who saw the kids at least 2 times a week. Goodbye free babysitter! YOU moved to where you lied to the court "have an extensive network of people to help" Um, where are they now??? Oh, thats right-they either hate you or dont exist! awesome!

Oh, and as far as nurturing the kids? Neither has been put in any activities like you promised them and the oldest has NEVER been in therapy like reccomended by his psychiatrist if the removal was allowed.

Oh yeah, and we're crazy.


SteppingUp's picture

When my fiance calls BM about the kids she calls it "harassing" her too. Um, no, he's just trying to CO-PARENT with you and you aren't cooperative, EVER. She also tries the line, "Well you and SteppingUp must not be doing well if you are wondering what I'm doing out on a weeknight"...somehow she turns the fact that she gets babysitters for half her time with the kids (when she only has them half the time) and that he's concerned about that, into him not being happy with ME?

We have nothing better to do than sit and waste our time and energy talking to BM on the phone and 'harassing' her.

MadeMyBed's picture

Ha, glad to hear Im not alone! Yeah, its always about how unhappy DHs are with us, not that they might actually want to see their kids or anything....

DaizyDuke's picture

I wish......

1. That our BM would move the hell away (the farther the better) I would love to never see her
beady eyed, snaggletoothed face again!

2. That BM would stop "harassing" hubby.... if your BM says that your hubby contacting her once
a month is harassing then we have a rock solid case for aggravated harassment in the first
degree to the Nth power as we can rarely go a week without a text or call because she needs

3. That these idiotic BM's would "see the light" and realize that it's not everybody else who's
the problem... IT'S THEM!

LizzieA's picture

Your BM is abusive and those people always project their faults and thoughts onto other people. So....she's just talking about herself!

Synaesthete's picture

Our BM is similar. She doesn't put all of her traits on FH, per se, but she certainly likes to think she walks on water and loves to play the victim. Everything is always another person's fault or if it's not another person it's a situation's fault; never hers.