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Serious want to take a frying pan to BM

Lalena75's picture

This woman doesn't give two shits about her kids it's all about appearances. 2 weeks ago when SO got the kids for a week she still had a few nits but compared to 5 hours of going through her hair with the biggest fattest lice and worse infestation I've ever seen her dad crying over how bad it was, her crying over having to again go through her hair being treated and me crying because no kid should have to deal with this I'll take a few nits. Well point is she shows up with sores all over her torso, legs and feet. Red scabby, inflamed sores and still has the cough SO tried to get the insurance info from BM to take her to a Dr. for. SO asks what he should do and I told him to take her to urgent care her ins info will be on file I guarantee it as I'm betting BM hasn't taken them to their ped's doc in forever, and to point out to the doc his "concern for the level of neglect his kids seem to be under. He did doc said he thought the sores were from bed bugs and the lice she should see her regular doc for a prescription treatment since it's been so on going, then gave him a paper on how to properly treat lice to "give to their mother, since you seem to know what your doing and how to do it." and to put triple antibiotic on the sores during the day and hydrocortizone at night for the itching.
Next day DCFS shows up at our house asking a couple questions SO invited her in but she said she just wanted to get an idea of the things he's done to help his kids and see the paper from the Dr. That she had already been to BM's and that was the home she'd wanted to see, and she expected BM to call her later since she wasn't there. BM never said a word till two days later about me "harassing her with DCFS" I called once because her son made a statement that a cit at his daycare hurt him, grabbed his throat and pushed him hard against the wall. Other than that I have not had DCFS investigate this woman the time I called about the lice I asked what their stance was, I didn't give her, the kids, or my info, their stance is it's a nuisance not neglect.
So I'm betting the doc or school called. However this dumb bitch is now running her mouth and making veiled threats against me for "calling another unfounded claim against us" and "if it happens again were gonna have problems, and don't say it was the doctor or they wouldn't of asked if they'd seen a doctor" um dumbass they were asking you because SO took them you never take them, you only know they went cause SO told you! We're getting letters from their school because they haven't had school physicals, or shots, their birth certificates weren't turned in seriously woman, or neighbors think your neglecting your kids, the school thinks your neglecting your kids and are mandated reporters, the doc is a mandated reporter, and no one whould call if you weren't a shitty lazy parent who dumps her kids on her parents, brother, and now your felon meth head boyfriend! Threaten me I'll press assault charges, slander and libel my name I'll sue the shit out of you, go ahead ask me to have your kids call you when you think I'm watching your kids (I was actually with SO and my dd was babysitting) I'll tell you to shove me doing you favors up your ass, ask me to do anything that benefits your kids, keep them longer pick them up drop them off with MY car you'll be told to fuck off.
If I call DCFS it won't be for anything that will come back unfounded be clear about that.
