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Habitat for Humanity questions

lucy girl's picture

Does anyone know about Habitat for Humanity and what the application process entails? BM claims that she is getting a Habitat house. She said that the school her kids attend filled out the application and submitted her name and got her approved. She said that she didn't have to go through any interview process. Now, I have researched the organization on-line and I can't see how she would be approved. BM has been evicted from the last 4 houses she has lived in and the house before that was condemned because of the damage her methhead brother did to the house. She was kicked off section 8 four years ago for fraud. She hasn't worked for more than a week in the last 9 years. Her only "income" is $300/month SSI she receives for kid#4 (she has 5 all with different fathers but she only has custody of 3 of them) She used to receive child support from DH but we got full custody of SS in May. She currently has a domestic violence charge against her for assaulting a family member and a domestic violence charge against her boyfriend for assaulting her. She also insists that they are just giving it to her and that she doesn't have to pay a single penny for it, that all she has to do is attend money management classes. Now I know BM is a habitual liar but I guess I just need confirmation that this can't possibly be true.


kathc's picture

She'd have to work a certain number of hours building her house and someone else's house first. See if she does that, then you know for sure.

zerostepdrama's picture

On a side note about HH, I used to volunteer for them... until one homeowner was such an ASS to me... He acted like I was there to SERVE him and he was the BOSS of me... Really freakin rude. I couldnt believe this guy. He was the only bad apple I dealt with but it left such a nasty impression on me.