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OT-Party plans?

luckykell's picture

"Scooty's" 5th birthday is on Thursday and I had an awesome party planned...I rented a moonjump, facepainting, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, tons of stuff. Now there are T-storms in the forecast all day on thursday! Sad So now I have to move the party inside and can't use half of the stuff I planned or bought. Any ideas on inside games? I've found some of the basic ones online, i'm looking for anything unique or different that people may not have heard of before. Kiddo's range in age from 3-10. If there are any you know of that the adults can be involved in also,that would be great! Thanks for the help!


PnutButta's picture

For the weekends with my SD's I'm always trying to come up with cheap crafts for them to do.

Do you have a digital camera and good printer? Get wood frames (I get them for $1 at A.C. Moore, check at any craft place though), have them decorate them, then take their pic at the party, print them out, ...they'll have a little momento. My sd's loved to make theirs and they hung them over their bed. Plus adults can help them with the gluing, etc. You can also get little wood bxes, etc for them to paint. Just check out your local craft place....

That stinks that you got all that for nothing!!! Maybe the rain will pass though and it'll work out for ya!

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on." ~Robert Frost