T-minus 1 hour 'til a hound of hell invades my home...
I've asked H about 6 times today about what time he is going to pick up SS and what time he will be home. I've finally nailed him down and he said that he would be home with SS between 5:00 - 5:30. Then he asks why it matters. I said, "I don't know, just wondering." Then he says, get this: "Why? Are you making dinner?"
Umm. "NO!"
That's laughable. I do NOT cook for SS. He snubs his nose at everything I cook for him - even if he really does like it. Why the f*ck would I cook for him? I haven't cooked for him in at least 8 months.
Why is it so important for me to know when they will be here? So I will know when my home is going to be invaded by a little *sshole that comes rip-roaring into my house, crapping in my toilet (clogging up the toilet because he uses too much toilet paper) and banging all of my cupboard doors and drawers around trying to eat all of my snacks.
AHHHH,... SS just drives me NUTS!!!
Well, here's to a weekend of non-existance as SS acts like a little sh*t head if H even so much as tries to have an adult conversation with me.
I suppose it's time for me to get ready for the gym...
- LRP75's blog
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You are freaking me out!!
You are freaking me out!! LOL! I know I am going to be the same way when SS comes to visit later this month for a week or so.
Teens are so self-absorbed as
Teens are so self-absorbed as it is, hope you have some peace this weekend.
Damn skids. They just kill
Damn skids. They just kill me how they think they run the world, and when they come visit we must be HAPPY to see them? Hardly.
I often wonder, what did I do in my past that I am being punished for?
I'm so glad we have a set
I'm so glad we have a set time for exchanges. Being left to wonder would make me nuts.
Oh, and next time he asks why
Oh, and next time he asks why you need to know what time, tell him so that you aren't running around naked when he walks in the door.