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Email from teacher...

LRP75's picture

Ugg, so apparently SD's behavior is getting worse. The teacher emailed BF to let him know that she is currently failing math (is only writing numbers on a page and isn't trying anymore) and is disruptive in class. Big surprise.

Oh yeah, SD is going to hell in a hand basket. I don't know exactly what is going on with her, but I have a fairly good idea on how to fix it: lots and lots of alone time with her parents. The girl is starved for attention so she's getting it anyway she can. Even the negative attention feeds her. It's so sad.

If her parents don't do something to help her now - she's just going to get worse. Shoot, she is already swearing at, giving the middle finger to, and biting other kids.

The way I see it, she can't "compete" with her brother. He is so "perfect" at everything he tries. And she has to work harder at things. And since she has to work harder at things than her brother does, she feels like a failure. She can't compete with him in grades or sports... so all she has left to her is to be the "bad kid."

She's good at it. If they don't get a handle on her now and really change the way they parent her, she won't stand a snowballs chance at hell in the real world. And they will only have themselves to blame for it.

Once again, I've given my DH (her BF) some ideas about what needs to be done to help her. Whether he follows through with any of those ideas, or does anything at all for her, is another matter altogether.

Hey, he doesn't want me discipling his kids or getting involved with them in that kind of way. It's too bad because I know what needs to be done and have the balls to do it. BUT they are his kids, so it's his choice. Right?

Whatever. I can't imagine that it will be a whole lot longer before things get really, really out of control for this child.

Not my kid, not my problem.


Kilgore SMom's picture

these bio parent that sit back and knowingly let their kids get away with this kind of behavior is sad. If DH doesn't want to take your advice, then I say disengage the best you can. Disegageing would not be something I would do because it is not in me to do that to a child I see that needs help. I came right out and told my DH, that he either do it or I was leaveing. That was 3 months ago and things are going really smoothly now. DH did a 180, I'm very proud of him. SS is doing good also.

LRP75's picture

I agree on just about everything you've written. Other than threatening to leave my husband over it.