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Just updating again

lostinbrazil's picture

Like I said I am keeping a blog so I hope that people dont chastise me for still being with FDH because if you have followed my situation I have chosen to be with him for now. I go home to america in a couple weeks. After that we will see.

I just want to document the fact that I havent pointed out.. Ever since the BIG BM meeting about 2 or 3 weeks ago, SD5 has been REALLY close to me. Like always wants to sit on my lap, holds my hand, asks me for things, wants to play with my hair, wear my dress, is even more excited to see me, just is really sweet and tonight she even asked me to lie down with her until she went to sleep(she usually asks FDH to do that) Just really wondering what that means...

On the flipside BM is still constantly inviting MIL to her family functions and to hang out with her, but now FDH is not even informing me and he just plans to not go. (but tonight when he went to pick up sd5 it just so happened to be her cousins birthday and he stayed to sing for 20 mins and take home some cake). when he arrived home he knew i was pissed.

And on my own personal note I am distancing myself more each day and although I know I am going to stay here for a while longer I feel very liberated in the fact that I am homeward bound very soon. Smile


lostinbrazil's picture

Yea I am SOOOO freaking excited and happy that I am going home and that actually makes the drama here not really phase me as much anymore. Its like the light at the end of the tunnel! Also all of my friends back home are SO excited to see me they are planning all types of get togethers for me and I cant wait. Smile It has been about 2 1/2 years since I was home. Here I'm just kind of observing, taking notes like its my SATs and am being more objective about it all, and most of all not overthinking things like I was before. Like, if it is meant to be, then he will prove it, if not, then too bad for him some other lucky guy will get to have me. Dirol
Thanks again for your support as always it means a lot. Smile