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SS and SD - A tale of two hypocrites!

LONGTIME SM's picture

:jawdrop: SS 35 agreed a few months ago that he would call his father and try to have an adult relationship with him. H even takes SD 33 out to lunch to try to mend fences with her. I have disengaged the last couple of years because of how greedy and hateful they have acted trying to get H's inheritance from him.

This adult level reationship did not even get started though before H gets a phone call from SS 35 ranting and raving again about how H hasn't called him lately! This was exactly one day after H and I had seen SD 33 and BM at a church function by chance. We sat on the opposite side of the room so there was no need for interaction and we had things to do so we left immediately after and did not even have to acknowledge their existence. I figured though that just the sight of us would set them off plus the fact that they were not able to put on a show for us in some manner (even if just to openly be rude to us/me) and I was right!

In SS 35's phone call one day after the church event SS35 lit into H telling him that H had not called him and that H was not doing enough to have a relationship with him. H responded telling SS 35 that he had no idea what he was talking about as H had last called him two days earlier! :sick: I can see both ss 35 and SD 33 holed up in BM's (almost 60 and single) house working thmeselves up into another frenzy about us simply because they saw us! No matter what we do or don't do they will pick it apart and declare that we are at fault for some strange thing or other!! They are masters at setting standards for us that they don't follow! And Nasty BM is the ringleader! Talk about hypocrites! When we point out that they are being hypocrites for instance by H telling SS 35 that he had talked to him just 2 days earlier they simply move onto another rant. NO apology or acknowledgement ever!

A week or so later SS 35 calls H up and wants him to tell me to get SS 35 a contract through my work connections! H tells him that I can not do this but that even if I could he did not understand why SS 35 would think that I would because in all the years (28) I have been his SM he has never had one nice thing to say about me - courtesy of BM I am sure!

SS 35 goes ballistic because H won't say that I will do this for him and carrying on that I should do this for him because he is his Dad's son! :jawdrop: Unfreakin believeable!
SS 35 never did call and ask me for the favor. He does not have the nerve. I have never had words with either of them but I am at the point where I would no longer hold back - maybe they sense this. But WTH do they think H is going to do. I would simply laugh if H made such an outrageous request from me. I can't think of a single thing that I would recommend either of them for! It just goes to show what lack of regard they have for me - to them I am a nonperson even in my professional life ( after 28 years). They feel so entitled that they think that they can make demands of Daddy for me to do something for them and H will be force me to comply!! UGGGH!!!!:P H will end up on the street if he dares to try - I am that fed up!

Conversation did not end well - H is not sure who hung up on whom but he does know that he told SS 35 to not call him if all he was going to do was yell and fuss at him!

A couple of weeks later SD 33 saw my BDs at a local store by themselves - oldest BD drove there. SD 33 would not talk to them. There was no reason for her being rude to them as neither H nor I was anywhere around. BDs took notice of how rude she was and how awkward she made the encounter and commented on it to me more than once.

But then weeks later SD 33 calls up H as sweet as pie telling him all about his grandkids and wanting to know about BDs - telling him how much she misses BDs! :sick: H of course repeats this like it is believeable - it makes me want to barf she is so transparent and obviously putting on a show again for him! As far as I and Bds are concerned she showed her true feelings about BDs when she was rude to them at the store. SD 33 also gave some lame excuse for her brother acting crazy the last time H talked to him in this conversation. Said he was under a lot of stress!

I just can't figure out what the purpose of this call was as she had been refusing all contact with him for about 2 years now and would not call him even after he took her to lunch a few months ago.

I am so glad I have detached myself. Doing so has helped me tremendously. I just wish Skids would stop trying to use my BDs. Their fake declarations of love for BDs is exactly that - a farce! BDs have now seen the real them and their real feelings toward them one too many times. I am not sure that anything SD 33 would do now would make BDs forgive her for snubbing them at the store and teling H that they were jealous of them though. SD 33 and SS 35 did themselves in through their own actions - BDs have seen SD 33 and SS 35 for who they really are without me having to say anything!

Any ideas about what SD 33 is up to now with this fake phone call and declared devotion to BDs? Does anyone else feel as though the skids got together with BM again to hatch yet another plan of attack becuase the last one did not go so well? Yes after all of these years BM still does not have a life and can not seem to get out of ours!
Feel free to read prior history - long but it is a good read at least.

28 years of torment is long enough!


LizzieA's picture

Yes, it is another volley in this battle of half-wits. Don't engage at all. Whatever they say, "That's nice. See you."