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SD also accused me of making her out to be this horrible person in our marathon phone call! No, you did that yourself!

LONGTIME SM's picture

:? it does make you wonder how messed up their minds are to come up with this crap!!! It is a shame that I did not think to tell SD 35 how hypocritical she was because what she was accusing me of doing was actually what she was constantly doing to me! SD 35, SS 36, and BM 60 are always vilifying me based upon little if any real information!

- I was told that everything had to be about me because H told SD 35 and SS 36 to tell me goodbye when they were children and leaving my house after EOWE visitation and because I had control in my own household and get to make the decsions about what my bios do or don't do;

- I was told I was mean, cold and "just awful" because I would not let SD 35 tell me what rules I could enforce for my own bios facebook usage;

I was told that I was "mean and just awful" for no longer reminding H to call SD 35 (because after years of her bad behavior I finally disengaged - this of course was after I was erroeously accused in this same conversation of being involved in her and H's relationship :? );

I was told that she did not like me and that she felt sorry for H because he was married to me - that H was a wonderful man Biggrin ( how she reconciles this statement about H after all of the ugly crap she has told him is beyond me! She has continually bad mouthed H for the past 3 years when she did not get his inheritance and in this same conversation informed me that she did not want a relationship with this wonderful man because of his other time comitments (primarily his 2nd family));

I was accused of driving a wedge between SD 35 and H, not liking SD 35 because she looked like your mother, not wanting SD 35 to have a relationship with H, and SD 35 informed me that she knew "what went on in my house". Where in the world does she get this crap???? I had never had this type of discussion with SD 35 before this marathon call even after 28 1/2 years of being a SM and I had never made any such comments to anyone else either !!!!!

etc, etc, etc.

When you compare the ridiculous accusations thrown my way to what you SD actually did do it is obvious that you, yourself are responsible for the fact that your own actions make you out to be a horrible evil person!!!!!! It really has nothing to do with me. I did not cause you to do any of the following - it was your decision so now you are reaping the results of your actions - ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY and stop trying to deflect blame:

- SD 35 you were the one that demanded a portion of H's inheritance and when you did not get it, resorted to the emotional blackmail of either refusing to talk to H or refusing to talk nicely to him for the past 3 years when H was still in mourning over the loss of his mother (so who is really the mean one here?);

- SD 35 you refused to talk to H for most of the last three years and now alright lie about this and now try to pretend that H refused to talk to you :jawdrop: ;

- You had a huge meltdown because I did not take stepgrands to the show 2 years ago and told my bio that they could not visit stepgrands until my bio learned to be a true friend. With all of your cursing, acccusations and yelling you had my bios in tears;

- As a result of this show incident you cursed H out and told him he was no father and accused H of making you make an A** of yourself with one of the other parties involved in this event - when you did this all on your own! You then incited SS 36 to call up H and go off on him in your defense - as though you needed any help.

- You attempted to tell H and I how we should parent our own bios from where they should be allowed to spend the night, who they can be facebook friends with, to where they were allowed to ride in a car....

- You whined to SS 36 and incited him to call up and explode on us about your being given cash for Christmas two years ago when just a few years before that you had asked for cash.

- You showed no empathy or concern and actaully looked like you enjoyed the fact that my bios could have been hurt when your offroad vehicle caught on fire when they were riding it.

- You told H just 12 months ago that you liked it when he was not in your life because it was easier for you.

- You were reluctant to talk to H and bio when you saw them at the mall and you snubbed my bios when you saw them at the store - then had the audacity to call my bios liars about the last incident;

- You have always refused to invite your father to grandparents day and other school and extracurricular events involving your children in an passive agressive attempt to hurt H and to show favoritism to BM. You even admitted to not sending Christmas cards and photos to H in order to get back at him during our marathon phone call.

- You had the audacity to whine about not having enough time with H but then offered the most ridicuous reasons for why you could not have a relationship with him and see him more.

- You still stand behind SS 36 despite all of the horrible ugly things he has said and done to H, my bios and myself.

As stated in an earlier blog SS 36, BM 60, and SD 35 are ALL masters at being dumber than dirt hypocrites!

LONGTIME SM's picture

I really liked your comment especially the following:

"I just wish they'd grow up and realize that their fathers' lives aren't their business. Stop getting involved in our marriages. Their FATHER'S money is not theirs. If they want a relationship with ANYONE, their father included, THEY need to work on that. It's not our responsibility to make sure their daddy visits, calls, kisses their butts. Stop pointing their fingers at us for things that they've done all by themselves. And most of all, will these women ever grow up, or will they forever remain in a state of childhood where their fathers are concerned?"

I never really noticed before speaking to SD 35 in this marathon phone call how consumed she is with trying to compete with me and my bios. If not over money then over daddy's time and attention etc. - even at the age of 35 and 36. In my case we don't just get this from SD 35 but also from SS 36 and it also looks like BM 60 is manipulating, advising, and instigating behind the scene.

Another poster on one of my earlier blogs/forums had mentioned that these adult steps were still trying to reinforce their position as first and my and my bios positions as second since they were there first. In thinking about it I realized she was spot on with her comments. They seem to have a real NEED to be dominant and the "alpha dog" and I on the other hand did not even know I was in a competition! This is why they are soooo resentful that I have control over my own household and that they are therefore unable to manipulate me or my bios by their rants and manipulation tactics with H. Hence their fight for control!!!!!

This is why I detected smug enjoyment in SD 35's voice when she responded to the comment I made in this phone call that H had jumped on me about the show incident after she had called up in a rant that I had not invited stepgrands! SD 35 enjoyed the fact that H in a knee jerk reaction acted upon her ridiculous rant! H doing this showed she was in control - in her own sick mind!!!!!

Sadly - SD 35 and SS 36 will never have to grow up because everything they do is sanctioned by their ringleader BM 60. BM 60 has reinforced their ridiculous ideas that they have every right to tell me what to do in my own home and to tell me they have rights to my children because they "share blood" and they are the brother and sister. LMAO!

Yeah - courts always award visitation to brothers and sisters!!!! Hey! Maybe they would go for paying us CS so that they can enforce their rights!!!!!LMAO!

LONGTIME SM's picture

Yeah. The same morning I remembered SD 35 accusing me of making her out to be some horrible person that she really is not in our last conversation - I later read your posts about your latest experience with OSD. A couple of other posters also had similar posts that very same day. It just all seemed so similar!

And yes - emotionally all of these step adults seem to have the emotional maturity of an average 12 year old.

AVR1962's picture

I think most every stepmom here understands what you are going thru, and been thru. Both my stepsons and bio mom have put me thru the same. Lies, finger pointed for things I never said or did. Did she raise them? NO! It was us. I was put in the role as mom to these boys yet inlaws undermined my authority, bio mom put evil thoughts into the boys' heads (she NEVER tried to get along), bio mom rallied to support her sons' hard feelings against me. There was absolutely no respect or appreciation for the effort I put into raising these kids.

This is 22 years later, after several sessions of being told what a terrible person I am and how I did the boys wrong, I have finally disconnected. Not just from the boys but from my inlaws too. It's actually surprising my husband and I are still together after all we have been thru. Once stepsons started attacking their own father and being disrespectful towards him, he finally withdrew too.

This past year was a doozy, extremely stressful and my body was showing the signs. I finally decided to see a counselor to try and clear my head of the past as I have had such hard feelkings for my stepsons and my inlaws. We have not yet talked about inlaws yet, however counselor felt that the boys were angry with their mother for abandoning them....she walked off and left them when they were 2 & 4......what kind of person does this? Of course she had every right word to say as they so desperatly wanted their mom back and they so did not want to risk making her upset as she had already left them once. Counselor said I could have been Mother teresa in this position, it did not matetr what I said or did as they wanted to see it all as wrong. They did not want to accept me and they turned all their hurt to me and I became their comfortable target, one justified by their mother. She told me that I had to back way out of the picture and not become involved in anything to do with either of the boys. Counselor said that they may be able to put all the pieces together eventually if they can ever identify with their own hurt for being abandoned in the first place. However too, she said they may never come to terms with it.

I had been feeling guilty that maybe I had done something wrong, maybe I had not tied ahrd enough, and I was getting pulled back repeatedly by my husband would wanted to show a united front. Anymore that's all done and I have the counselor to thank for validating what was going on.

My suggestion would be to do the same as my counselor suggested for me, or at least go to counseling of your own. There's no reason to continue to put yourself thru this.