Living as 2nd - FDH in denial
I'm panicking for sure. FDH and I marry in 6 weeks - and perhaps I'm freaking out because we are marrying in 6 weeks..but I'm just so breaking inside that I am always 2nd priority to FSS12. It has always been this way- we have fought over this before in the past. FSS12 is a very active kid. His activities are more frequent at this time of year with baseball AND boy scouts so perhaps I always feel it more at this time. But FDH will not forgo a single event of FSS12's to be with me. He thinks that I should want to go to the games and that is us spending time together. He says I need to talk to more parents because I'm wrong in my beliefs and my feelings of being second.
I told him he is selfish when it comes to his son. I told him I think he carries guilt that his son lives a divorced family life so he is constantly trying to make up for it, which in turn damages our relationship because I get put on the back burner all the time. He says that's not true I should just go to the game with him.
We have FSS12 every Mon & Tues and EO Friday-Sunday. He had games on Monday and Tuesday..he has scouts on Thursday..he has another game tonight..FDH will not miss a single event. He says I'm ridiculous .
He tried to make it ok by saying we could go out for supper after the game. But I told him I planned to make dinner for us and that this is just him trying to fit me in around FSS's game. Not putting me first..fitting me in around his #1 priority.
I told him I'll eat at home alone and I need to think - he says I'm ridiculous.
- Lola383's blog
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Your FDH needs to learn that
Your FDH needs to learn that there are times you do need to come first. Even parents who do not divorce have to make each other a priority sometimes to strengthen their marriage. Have you thought about going to pre-marital counseling?
Dont take it from me as I am
Dont take it from me as I am in a shitty spot right now, but DH and I have married since October and everything that was "bad" before, has been somewhat worse. Not 100% of the time but enough to affect our marriage.
Even though I made it 100% clear I would not tolerate abuse from his skids and I am disengaged the day after we got married he thought because we were married that I would somehow change my mind. He pushed it on me so much. Started our marriage off with resentment on my part in some ways.
No real advice. Just think things through. Even with what I know now I still would have went through with the wedding but I am a dumb ass and I think I like to punish myself for some unknown reason
This is why people with kids
This is why people with kids should not get remarried.
His son is 12. Of course he is going to go to all of his events. I tried to go to ALL of my kids events. I certainly was not going to miss out on my kids functions because someone else wanted me to. We only get our kids for a short time, so I spent all the time I could with them.
Your DH only has 4-6 more years of being able to go to these events for his kid. You will either need to realize that, or not get married. He is not going to bump his kids events just because you want to make him not go and spend time with you. And IMHO, he should not.
You are only second because
You are only second because you are making yourself feel that way by putting him in a kid sports or me scenario. To me, I see it no differently than if your FDH said to you, your job or me (or pick something important to you). IMO, it's not fair. You don't have to go if you don't want to, but, if it were me, I would.
For some, it's a matter of differences in upbringing. For me, when I was growing up, my parents never missed one single event. Never. My dad coached me and my mom never missed. So, I see it as important to a child to have their parents (and significant others, if they so choose) support them. Now, if you're FDH was telling you that you couldn't go because it will make BM mad or whatever, I would feel differently.
Perhaps, you grew up differently. Maybe you weren't involved in anything or maybe you were involved a lot and your parents did not attend every single thing.
Many on here will disagree with me and that' s ok, but I feel if a kid is involved in something his parents need to go. BM and I don't speak at all. She badmouths me constantly. She doesn't speak to my FDH. She's all around terrible. We still go to every event. I, personally, am happy to go and support my FSKS.
I was very involved in
I was very involved in activities growing up and my parents didn't attend everything. My parents are still married and sometimes my dad wouldn't go if he didn't want to; I just grew up with that and I was fine. I'm not asking FDH to be all or nothing - I ask for balance. Which there is a serious lack thereof. I am not here to be a tag along sidekick and attend all of his son's events just so I can get to see my FDH. We have SS 50/50; and FDH and I go to his events on the nights we have him. All I ask is that I get some me and FDH time. we want kids right away so that time of just me and him will be gone a lot sooner than SS will be grown up.
So maybe it is just a
So maybe it is just a difference in don't it's important for parents to be at everything because your parents were not. He does. I understand what you're saying about wanting time. We have 50/50 and it's more like 90/10 when it's all said and done. We don't have much us time either. But I'm accepting his kids as part of the package. I will never feel the same away about them as I would my own, but they are a part of him, so I understand his need to want to be a father to him. When it comes to the kids I let him deal with it and make the decisions and then I make my decision on what I want to do since I'm the only one I can control.
I am not here to be a tag
I am not here to be a tag along sidekick and attend all of his son's events just so I can get to see my FDH
I am the kind of dork that I am cool with tagging along with DH WHEREVER (well mostly wherever
) if it means spending time with him. DH loves to Turkey hunt... I could give a rats ass about shooting a turkey, but I can't tell you how many times I have dressed up in camo and gone along with DH, just to be with HIM. It's something HE loves to do, so why not enjoy that WITH him as his wife?
A few years ago, when SS was like 10, he played soccer. He had a game every Sunday. The very last thing on this Earth that I wanted to do on a Sunday was go to a dumb ass soccer game and watch a bunch of kids who basically had no clue what they were doing, run around after a ball... AND have to see skanky ass BM2. But I went to EVERY game with DH, hell I even went to a game WITHOUT DH because DH wasn't feeling well, and he thought it important that ONE of us be there for SS. I didn't do it because I gave a hoot about SS and his stupid game, I did it because it was important to DH.
HAHAH I've been hunting with
HAHAH I've been hunting with SO also. I'm with you. If it means spending time with SO, i'll do it. I don't care what we do. As long as we do it together.
lol I don't go hunting with
lol I don't go hunting with SD. Just SO. Was just making a point that it doesn't matter what SO and I are doing, as long as we are spending time together.
Oh Dear Lord, I've NEVER been
Oh Dear Lord, I've NEVER been with skids... just DH!!
These games are unbelievable
These games are unbelievable boring!! Only a real parent - not a step parent - could possible enjoy suffering in the cold to watch a game. I will go on a nice summery saturday on the weekends we have him; and I'll go on a weeknight that we have him as long as it's warm. But tonight is not our night with him and I still can't even have my FDH's attention. If I want it, I have to share it at a game where he only half pays attention to me cuz he's too focused on watching how SS is playing. really?!!?! I say all of this to FDH and he just thinks I'm unreasonable. I told him I need to do some soul searching because this is going to be the rest of my life.
We want kids of our own right away - I forsee me being at home with crying babies all the time while FDH is always off supporting HIS son. I make it perfectly clear that SS is not MY son..I don't want to go to every single game he plays - I have things I want to do on the nights we don't have him!
hmmmm I'm on the fence on
hmmmm I'm on the fence on this one. I'm not sure of your full situation or history, so maybe DH DOES put you on the back burner, but I don't think that him wanting to be present for his sons activities means he is putting you aside. He wants you to go with him because it means you will be spending time together. I would not at all be offended if SO wanted to go 3 nights a week to something for SD. Heck I go to my 2 nieces baseball and T-ball games every week on Mondays and Wednesdays.
I think in this particular instance you shouldn't be offended. Just take it that he wants to be present for his kid. There are many fathers out there who it wouldn't even cross their mind to attend kid activities. Be thankful that he wants to be and is allowed to be involved with his child.
I believe that his wife should be his number 1 priority. Hands down. But I think you might be over-reacting in this instance. Because he wants to go watch his son play baseball doesn't mean that you are not his number 1. I dunno. Just my opinion
In addition, how long is a
In addition, how long is a kids baseball game? An hour usually at most? If you don't want to go then don't go. Let DH go and then you guys can spend time together after the game. Someone below said it was like an "all or nothing" decision for you. I don't think that's the case. To make an ultimatum over a baseball game is a bit ridiculous. Its a couple hours a few times a week. I don't see it as a big deal.
Ask yourself this: Hypothetically say you guys have a son, and you get divorced, and he came to all your sons baseball games. Would you think hes a great father or would you feel bad for his new wife because its taking time away from her?
I'm not making any
I'm not making any ultimatums... I'm not saying him or me at all... I don't know how that got misconstrued. I want balance where FDH wants to fit me in around his kid's hectic schedule. He's gone to 2 games already this week and he's going to scouts on thursday night..I'm just asking for tonight.. I don't see it as an ultimatum at all to ask that he skip 1 of 3 games in a week so that he and I can have some adult time together.
If he and I were divorced I wouldn't care what he did with his new wife. I think i would actually wonder how she deals with it or if it bothers her just as it bothered me. I don't know how anyone can have a healthy lasting relationship when there is no balance.
Sorry I didn't mean you were
Sorry I didn't mean you were giving him an ultimatum. Someone else commented about "all or nothing". Meaning your SO was giving YOU an ultimatum of sorts, saying take it or leave it. I don't believe that's the case and I understand where he is coming from. Its a difference of opinion. It wouldn't bother me at all if SO went out every night with SD or for something that has to do with SD. I think of it that there are husbands who are never home for different reasons. Husbands who don't come home because they are cheating, or spend their nights in bars, or hanging out with their friends. Be thankful that him wanting to spend time with his kid is your worst problem.
Whether I agree with you or not, you are completely right in the fact that you need to do some soul searching. You need to really think about if you can live like this. I know there are many things I know I cannot live with and have broken off relationships in the past because of it. Don't think it will get better after you get married, it will not. If your SO is saying you are unreasonable now, he always will. He will never stop going to the games no matter how hard you try to make him. And if he does, he will resent you for it. So you really need to decide if you can handle it or not.
I agree with Willow to an
I agree with Willow to an extent ("Of course he is going to go to all of his events. I tried to go to ALL of my kids events. I certainly was not going to miss out on my kids functions because someone else wanted me to. We only get our kids for a short time, so I spent all the time I could with them.")
But then I think, OMG - what happens when one day my kids grown up and have their own lives? Completely separate from me? On their own, being the responsible and happy adults I always envisioned?
And that's where I stop agreeing with Willow.
I think I'd sure wished I'd taken time to invest in an adult relationship for myself when a loving peer-adult presented themselves, and wanted to have a healthy relationship with me.
Your DF sounds like he's making this an "all or nothing" choice for you (either you accept his time will "all" be spent with his son or you can walk away). It isn't that at all. It can be a compromise. People have done it. The question is, does your DF "want" to compromise?
I agree with your thoughts,
I agree with your thoughts, here. I'm not at all expecting that he doesn't support his kid. But his kid doesn't just do 1 activity. He is very involved in a few different demanding activities, of which FDH is highly involved in. FDH comes across as "He is my son. You need to accept that and I am going to all of his games. You can come with me" For me, i interpret this as he is completely unwilling to see this as a nonparent living with a parent and his kid 50/50 of the time. my "role" in this blended life has made a lot of adjustments, I'd had to adapt to his lifestyle and accept a # of things in our relationship that is special just to the blended family. I've overcome a lot and learned to disengage more which helps. But this adamant "air" to him that his son is his son and that should be self explanatory - I should be totally happy getting a few days/week with my fdh because the rest is all dedicated to SS. I even say to him, "so I'm going to be on the back burner until he's grown and THEN I get time with you?" ...ugh really need to do some soul searching. I don't know if my pre-wedding jitters are blowing this out of proportion for me or if I'm truly unable to live this way.
But then I think, OMG - what
But then I think, OMG - what happens when one day my kids grown up and have their own lives? Completely separate from me? On their own, being the responsible and happy adults I always envisioned?
What happen is this...your kids become extraordinary adults. You still have a great relationship with your kids. You marry the man of your dreams and live happily ever after. At least that is how it happened with me. lol
And BEST of all...I do not, nor do my kids or spouse have terrible memories like what OP is going to have about this time in her life. When she looks back she will be filled with regret, turmoil and just all around bad memories. When I look back, I had a GREAT time, my kids had a GREAT time, and my spouse, (then BF) had a great time. By no means perfect, but nothing like this.
Then you should do those
Then you should do those things. And let him support his son. And don't be resentful about it. It's your choice not to go. It's his choice to go. I agree with you on doing some soul searching and deciding if this is really what you want. Perhaps you should talk to your FDH about what things will look like when you have a child together and see if you can live with it. For instance, my FDH and I had the discussion earlier this week about what it would look like when we had an ours baby. What if our baby was involved in something and Skids were involved in something on the same day. He said he would have to divide his time and if BM was taking the kids to their event, he would be going to our child's event. But when BM was not taking the kids to their event, he would have to take the kids to theirs and I would have to take our child to his or hers event. I, personally, was satisfied with this. Others may not be.
In the meantime, we don't have another child and there is no reason, IMO for him not to go. And I don't feel like I am in the position to control what he does or does not do in regards to his children. I can choose not to go or I can choose to go. I, personally, choose to go.
And I am one of those people, just a stepparent, who actually enjoys it.
(My FSKIDS are 4 and 6)
I agree with your FDH. Now
I agree with your FDH. Now don't get me wrong, I am the first one to get my panties in a bunch when I feel like our world revolves around SD16 and what sport she is playing, what friends she wants to go to, blah blah blah....I am the first one to get my panties in a bunch when for the past 4 years when DH would be shuffling out the door with SD to some practice or game or something that I either could not go to or flat out did not WANT to go to while I sat home by myself. It DOES feel I he is choosing his kid over you.
But it's really NOT the way it is. I have a little more understanding of it now, because we have BS4 and I can promise you that there won't be much that will keep me away from any sport that BS is playing, from any school event that BS is having. BS4 is the love of my life, my first, last and only rodeo so I plan on being as involved as I can and enjoying every moment that I can with him.
I guess I would not see this as a hill to die on or a reason to not get married. If anything I would see it as your FDH showing you what a great, involved father he is going to be to YOUR future kids
Couldn't have said it better
Couldn't have said it better myself.
I agree with Willow. I went
I agree with Willow. I went to every one of my son's events when he was growing up. If anyone had tried to stop me they would have been left at the house, I didn't care. I think you need to look at how your FDH treats you outside of SS activities? Does he try to make time for you and him when it's not ball season? On the nights that SS don't have a game does he spend it with you, do you feel #1 then? I don't personally go for the kids should always be #1, I think it should be God, spouse, kids, but there are some things, like kid activities, that will not last forever so if you really love him and things are good except during ball season I wouldn't make a big deal out it. If you don't want to go and have other things to do then just don't go. I don't go to all of my SD activities when my DH goes. I look forward to those nights of some ME time!! I take a hot bath, have a glass of wine, read a magazine.
Meh. I think this is a
Meh. I think this is a made-up argument. Not that you invented the story! Just that this is a topic to argue about when the issue is underneath.
Your FDH's idea of a 'perfect' family and/or wife is where the focus is on the kid. Lots of parents are like that. It seems that your idea for your family life is to put the family focus on the adult relationship. (My personal values are that the adult relationship comes first, and a lot of happy parents and kids result from that option too. But I'm not making judgements here, just polarizing the differences.)
I think if SS was your kid, the conflict wouldn't come up. But since he's not, now you know that your relationship with your FDH is less important to him than you want it to be. What you do with that information is up to you.
He's gone to 2 games already
He's gone to 2 games already this week and he's going to scouts on thursday night..I'm just asking for tonight.. I don't see it as an ultimatum at all to ask that he skip 1 of 3 games in a week so that he and I can have some adult time together.
Let me try to put this in perspective for you. You have your child. You WILL love her like you could NEVER imagine. She has 3 games one week. Would you stay away from your childs game just so you could spend time with your DH away from her?
I don't have kids..and
I don't have kids..and growing up my parents didn't go to every single event without fail. Unlike most kids these days, my parents didn't revolve their life around me. That mentality has been passed down to me. A marriage takes work, right? I don't plan on divorcing (but does anyone ever?) so for me making sure my marriage starts right, and is taken care of means that sometimes the wife/hubby will need to come first - especially if one is expressing feelings of being unimportant to the other. I don't PLAN that I'll only go to a certain % of my kid's activities...but I also don't plan to put my marriage on hold for my kid's entire childhood so that I can always attend every single event, and breath my child takes. If my kid has 3-4 games/ week. I don't see an issue making 1 of those days an adult day. Once I have a kid, I'm not going to forgo all other roles I've taken on in life..I won't JUST be a mother. I'll be a mother, a wife, a daughter, a professional.. If I raise my kid to witness me put all that on hold until he/she is older..what kind of child am I raising? I wouldn't want my kid to raise his/her kids that way. Anyway..I'm probably the minority here with that point of view..but, I feel like that is necessary to keep a marriage happy and healthy. Now if it was an activity where there was 1 recital, or 1 concert - heck no i wouldn't miss that nor would I EVER expect FDH to miss the "1 time onlys" for his kid.
..but I also don't plan to
..but I also don't plan to put my marriage on hold for my kid's entire childhood so that I can always attend every single event, and breath my child takes.
If you only had 50 percent custody I think you might. I also know that no matter what kind of parent you think you will be, you will not truly know until you have a child of your own.
But..this all boils down to this.... You may not be the type of parent your DH strives to be. If you make him choose between you and his child, he will pick the child and you will be resentful. If he chooses you, he will resent you over time. Is that something you can live with? And I am one that thinks you should pick your child. UNTIL CHILD IS MUCH OLDER at least.
You sound pretty unbending on this so I can't really understand why you would marry him. Especially if this had already been an issue between you two.
Regardless of how you were
Regardless of how you were raised and what you believe (which you are 100% entitled to, btw) your FDH doesn't agree. Neither of you is wrong. You just think differently.
As a result, what you will be left with is one of these situations;
Your FDH does not go to xyz games a week (or XYZ GAME in a compromise) and stays home for an "adult evening" with you. Really he is wishing to be at XYZ game because that's what he believes in. But he's missing XYZ game because he decided to compromise with you and he will be feeling bad about it. Doesn't sound like a fun "adult evening" in the making to me.
He does go and you feel like you're second because you have placed yourself in a position where you made your husband choose.
Neither of those options sounds appealing to me. So how can you both get what you want? Or is it a hill to die on?
So there's two completely
So there's two completely different perspectives on this one issue:
Either it's ok to live vicariously through your children and prioritize kids' desires and wishes and activities over the adults in the home
It's ok to be the best parent you can be, which means telling a kid "no, can't make your game tonight" once in a while without the world crashing in around everyone
Ok, I'm exaggerating my point there.
(Please disregard my snottiness. Stalkers made me get my period this week and I'm crabby. See related "cycling-blog" by askYOURdad)
Which side best describes you, Lola? Only you know yourself well enough to answer that.
Either it's ok to live
Either it's ok to live vicariously through your children and prioritize kids' desires and wishes and activities over the adults in the home
It's ok to be the best parent you can be, which means telling a kid "no, can't make your game tonight" once in a while without the world crashing in around everyone
Even though I totally disagree with you on this. I had to LOL!! And at the rest of your post.
Well said
Well said
I wouldn't marry him if he
I wouldn't marry him if he walked all over me 100% of the time and treated me like crap. SS goes to his events. He never misses out. Hell would freeze over before SS went without anything. FDH doesn't care if its a day we have him or not; if he has an activity, he goes. and during busy season like now, SS has events at least 4 days of the week.
If SS doesn't have anything going on, I get attention. If he does, whatever time is left over is what I get.
To me, you're right on the
To me, you're right on the money on how your FDH thinks. Sounds like SS12 is his number one priority. I would think long and hard about getting married.
I saw the warning sign and was upset and tried to work it out with DH. It would be good for awhile and then go back to same old crap. DH's kids are number 1 in his life. He goes to every activity there is whether it's his weekend or not. I'm always last to work, business trips, skids stuff, BM flare ups etc. I'm dead last.
Think about it before you marry him.
I was recently interviewed as
I was recently interviewed as part of a study into support systems for new parents in my (new) country. The study was to investigate what support new parents really need.
One of the questions was: Did your relationship with your partner change after having your baby?
For the child-centred parents, I'm sure it did/does, dramatically. Because now the reason that the parents got together has been born - and is and will remain the focus of their lives.
For me and my partner, not really. The content of our conversations has changed (omg, poops, pukes and drools have never been discussed so much, and we had cats before the baby too!) but the relationship we have with each other remains what it was.
It's a value thing. My value of tolerance says, go be the kind of partner and parent you think is right WITH a partner who shares your values. My value of happiness says, sacrificing an adult relationship to focus on having or raising a child won't make me happy, but neither would failing to provide my child with a loving home to teach them about the rest of the world.
Even if my DH and I ever split, I would never be a child-focussed parent. I love my daughter and would do anything for her happiness. I just don't think the way to teach her about happiness is to give her everything or be her everything.