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LizzieA's Blog

Is no running water considered neglect?

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We just went to pick up DH's nieces, the children of his late brother. They live with their mother, who is a typical welfare mooch. She has 3 by his brother and 2 by other men, including the husband she has now. There are always other adults living in the house--right now there are 10 people living there. Six children and four adults.

There is no running water as I learned when I went in to make a pit stop while we picked them up. The toilets were full of human waste. According to BM, "a pipe is leaking leading to high water bills" and that's why the water is off.

SD hit SS in the head with a beer bottle

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Yes, SD was in one of her bi-polar rages again. BM was off at her BF's 100 miles away. SD,22, was angry about something and woke SS, 18, up by hitting his head with a bottle. 6 a.m. on a vacation day. BM SAYS she's going to kick SD out (with her kid) but we'll see if Miss Passive Non-parent can actually muster up some sac.

Poor DH was pretty upset. He feels helpless; they are both adults and he can't do anything to fix SD or the situation. Maybe SD will finally get help.

SS is being an ASS

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Short recap; SS18 lives 1000 miles away with no-parent BM and he's been in trouble constantly past four years: truancy, drugs, drinking, DUI, flunked 8th grade twice, etc. Is fairly smart and has tons of talent as a musician and athlete but seems to thrive on underachievement and self pity. Now says he wants to join Marines--this a kid who can't even get out of bed.

How much are tattoos? SS is getting one for BD

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Well, the CS clock just stopped and SS is now 18! The last few weeks SS has been all about getting a tattoo on his birthday. And his sister is bragging about taking him!

This kid has crashed a vehicle (DUI), been to court numerous times, can never save enough to come see his dad (we go there a couple times a year), etc. And he needs musical equipment that's quite pricey. (always breaking things stupidly)
So just curious what the latest reality show lifestyle decision costs.

And please, if you have tattoos, great, this is more about the choices the kid makes.

The roller coaster continues with SD's visit...

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Yesterday was actually awesome. Yep. SD was nice and normal all day, pleasant, helpful, the whole nine yards. We ended up doing a collage project for DH"s B's kids with old photos and other papers of late B's. I ended up paying for most of it...but it was "priceless." Even baby acted normal, not like a raging monster. Do these people need ass-chewings? Or is it the dysfunctional cycle--anger then calm, anger, then calm? I can't stand that and neither can DH.

Day 6 of SD & SGC visit.....Help!

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Drinking heavily here folks, LOL!

Back story: I believe SD is likely bi-polar as she has rages, is impulsive and can't control her mouth. Has insulted everyone in her family, including me, but still hits them all up for help, esp since she is now a single mom. Still lives with BM, did go to school and is now working, at least. SD was a factor in the breakdown of DH's marriage as she was abusive to her dad for years and BM was a wimp and let her disobey him behind his back.
