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LizzersBG's Blog


LizzersBG's picture

Did not mean to leave the personal name and address in that last blog-I was able to bleep out the rest of the names and stuff.
DIdnt mean anything offensive or rude Smile

Everything done in the dark.......

LizzersBG's picture

Eventually comes to light.
Yesterday I "came across" some e-mails that were sent to various teachers at the school SS and my kindergartner attend. One to the reading teacher my BD will have next yer (this is a 2nd gd rdg teacher, she will be in 1st bt is very adv) a 3rd grade teacher (in whose classroom I was the room parent for SS since he begged me to be and his BM had NEVER EVER been involved in his classroom stuff like parties Ftrips whatever), about 15 to the 4th grade teacher SS had, and even more to this years teacher. I am going to cut and paste a 3 choice emails.

Am I Missing Something??!!!

LizzersBG's picture

Anyone feel free to pipe in at any moment-
What is it that these BM don't understand about the role of the step mother?
Do they not see that we love their X's and that they kid just comes with the package?
Is it really appropriate or necessary to send email after email after email stating that new wife is a Criminal (oh what a sin I got arrested when I was younger, oh what an even worse sin I got over it and on with my life) and that uhhhhh I have had it here!

Week B4 mediation! Yeah!

LizzersBG's picture

DH asked BM 3 times to meet with him B4 mediation so that they could talk about arrangements for their son. He has come up with 2 different parenting plans. Both different, but good ideas. Their child is 11 years old, and they have never had a sit down conversation about him. He is asking her to do this and she asks him to send the ideas over e-mail bc she is just "too busy" to sit down tomorrow afternoon and talk. Now, mind you it was made very apparent to her that I would not be there, an that I would even watch SS while they met somewhere local. She will not commit.

I understand everyone else now!

LizzersBG's picture

So today i wake up, go to my girlfriends house and drop off my little one so that I can go get my haircolored. Got the hair colored.
Had gotten e-mail from BM stating that SS could be picked up at 2pm this afternoon to make up for Easter weekend that was her holiday but our sch visit. This weekend is supp to be ours too but bc of spring break it is not. She was offering us tonight and tomorrow night to make up for one of the missed weekends. Anyway.

Just a blog entry-

LizzersBG's picture

Well I took a week off of writing to see if I could come up with some ways to vent or to work the issues in my life out in a different way.
We recently redid both kids bedrooms-H painted and acted like the job was finished, so I spent the entire week washing clothes, putting them in the new dressers, closets, putting away toys, organizing everything. He never lifted another finger.


LizzersBG's picture

Just sitting here looking out at the rain.
Dishes are done, dishwasher running, baby sleeping, and as usual my mind wanders to the upcoming mediation appointment.


LizzersBG's picture

Just called the school to give the office my new ph# so they could update my daughter's info. They know me bc I volunteer and asked if I wanted SS info chg as well. I said not if it means someone can get a hold of our # from the teacher, and they said they would tell the teacher not to give it out.
The lady in the office then informs me that she won't be able to talk to the teacher today bc SS is on a field trip to the State Museum, WHAT??!!!
