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14 yr old step son

Liz18's picture

I have a 14 year old step son, and I constantly defend him on being a good kid, because he gets good grades and is not disrespectful. BUT I have a son younger than him, my son looks up to him so much, but my SS doesn't care much about being part of the family or my son or anything really. We have tried EVERYTHING to help him feel comfortable around us, we do things he wants to do we try to make his room comfy. NO MATTER what we do tho he still just doesn't seem like he's interested in being part of the family it saddens me, it saddens my husbands and it saddens my son! He won't go to places with us if he simply doesn't feel like it, or doesn't want to, but he'll go anywhere and everywhere with his mom. We understand but now it just seems like he's using my husband whenever it's convenient for him. He has missed bdays or special events and give a bull crap excuse, but he'll NEVER miss anything with his mom. We just really don't know what to do anymore we have both tried talking to him to explain our feelings, I have talked to him n told him how much he means to us. It just seems like he doesn't care n it's really heart breaking for everyone here. 


Winterglow's picture

There isn't much you can do if his mother is sitting on his shoulder and whispering that you are not his "real" family, only she is into his ear all the time.

My ex-SIL managed to alienate my brothers kids from him by telling them that their divorce was between him and them and that all of us on their father's side were no longer part of their family.

justmakingthebest's picture

As much as it hurts you have to just keep doing what you are doing and try to not let it affect your plans or lives. 

He is a teenager- and they are moody and often anti-social with family by nature. So toss some of it up to that. The rest is BM whispering in his ear that he isn't real family to you and that he shouldn't feel any obligations towards your family. This is why blending families can suck the big one most of the time! 

lieutenant_dad's picture

You can't make him change his mind; he has to do that on his own. But, here are a few things to consider that might help you:

1.) He may not enjoy doing things with his mom, but she doesn't give him a choice. My SSs were in this boat. They didn't want to do anything on weekends with us, partly because they're homebodies and partly because BM dragged them around everywhere during her weeks and weekends. This occurred even when they were teens. Not wanting to do things had nothing to do with us and everything to do with them being peopled-out. Doing things with BM wasn't always a "want to" but a "forced to". 

2.) He is a teenager, and teenagers are fickle creaturea even at the best of times. He may give BM similar problems that you just don't hear about. 

3.) Not all older kids are interested in being role models for younger kids, even siblings/stepsiblings. It's not fair to put SS in that role when he himself is still a child. This is an excellent opportunity to teach your son about boundaries, and about how we can't force ourselves onto other people, even if we care about them.

4.) His BM could be trying to alienate him from his dad and family. Or, she may be playing the "woe is me" card if she's single. Or, before your DH and BM split, she could have been the one facilitating family relationships so your SS is used to her and her family being more prominent (this would be especially true if your DH isn't very close to his family). Any of these dynamics will shape how SS views family, and at 14, he's only starting to hit an age where he might see the problems with this (or see how these dynamics impact him).

5.) SS just may not like you guys. I don't mean that offensively. Every person has a different personality, even in the same family. Having kids is an incredibly selfish act, which means we have to be okay if our kids eventually say "I wish you hadn't been the ones that had me." I'm not saying it isn't hurtful and a gut-punch, but as adults, we can't make one of the most selfish decisions a human can make and then only accept obedience and unconditional love from the person we create. We got what we wanted - a person. That person, though, gets to decide at what level they are okay with you making that decision for them. 

My suggestion? Stop reminding him that you love him. He knows. Invite him to places but don't make a big deal about him not going (provided it's something that it's okay to skip out on, like a movie night). Try to incorporate things he likes into stuff you all decide to do as a family. Remember, it's not just about him assimilating into the family you've created. You all have to grow and adapt to him, too. That may mean spending a weekend here and there just staying home. That may mean finding a babysitter for the younger one and doing something more "adult" with the older one. You also just have to accept that he may not be that into family right now (or ever).

If your DH thinks BM is alienating his son or trying to turn SS against him, he should do research on alienation and find tips/tricks on handling that with his son. It's a very different approach that will likely feel cold and unloving (but actually relieves pressure on kids who feel stuck between parents).

Liz18's picture

I totally agree, and all your points help me feel better, I was just starting to feel like perhaps we where doing something wrong, or that even tho the BM would say things to my SS we would take the high road and just let him see for himself the reality of it all, that we just love him and want him to be part of the family. But you're totally right makes me feel better all the points you made, the last straw do me was when it was my sons bday n my SS decided he didn't want to come, my son was CRUSHED but a week later it was my SS cousins bday n he wouldn't miss that for the world. So that was upsetting for all of us, makes us feel like perhaps he will never see us as his family, it's specially disappointing for DH. And yes I do believe BM has something to do with it the divorce was ugly because she made it that way, she wanted the house, the car, everything inside the house, and half of DH money. DH doesn't stand up to her because he doesn't want any problems (Wich honestly it's a little frustrating, but I get it) she gets half his paycheck, she couldn't keep the house because she couldn't afford it but everything else she got! BM was upset that DH left her and than found me 9 yrs younger than him. DH has to work overtime to make ends meet while she leaves at her parents with no bills n has a bf that is 12 yrs younger than her(Wich was SS baseball coach). She got with him not even a month after DH left house Wich if you ask me I think she was cheating (cause it wasn't the first time)  It's a very long story but she just has done everything the dirty way and basically gets upset when things don't go her way, while we just suck it up and try to take the high road. I try to be compassionate and understanding of her situation n try to put myself in her shoes but honestly sometimes it's just hard, I just don't understand how someone can be like that. I would do everything and anything for my kids even tho my ex physically / and mentally abused me  I still don't tell the kids anything bad about him. I figure they can make up their own mind about him over time. 

superlado's picture

Serious kudos to you for being a loving supportive step mom.  This is definitely hardest job I've ever encountered.  

May I ask how long you've been in SS life ? Teenagers suck period.  Even if they were once easy going and into you they can change into people we don't even recognize (happend to me).    

I would stop pushing the we love you pretty please come with us stuff.  I'd throw out a casual invite each time and let it go. It's hard but you have to respect his stance with you and your son unless he's being disrespectful.  

I'm assuming these two boys are unrelated.   Even with half siblings there's no real way to magically make the bond happen (especially with BMs who don't help the situation). My SS is not into his half bro at all.  It hurts when I think about the bond I have with my siblings but I get passed it.  

I encourage lots of friend times and closeness with my friends ( My best friends I refer to them as aunt so and so ) with my young child.  I feel we get that closeness from other family and friends.  I'm not sure how old your son is but keeping him busy with other close people is helpful.  It's also a good lesson (that you can make age appropriate) regarding different people and different personalities  . How some of us prefer to be alone and are introverted etc.  

sucks about the bday but hey if his dad gives him the choice to go or not then he has it. In my family too bad SS goes to the party but Ive been a stepmom for a long time and dynamics differ.  
I wouldn't make your child see you putting in all this effort with no return.  Keep it casual and it will be less hurtful for all parties.  GL 

Liz18's picture

Thank you everyone so much this has really helped me feel so much better! And look at things in a different perspective! I've been in SS life since he was 10 he is indeed an introvert, n I know how teenagers can be, I was worried I was just making excuses for him BUT all your comments have TRULY helped me gain more knowledge! My son is 9 yrs old n an emotional, outgoing cancer lol , I have been working with him not to take things so harsh he's so sweet but he's still learning boundaries and how everyone is different.