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PowerSulk - Party of 1 (Part 2)

Lillywy00's picture

So the dude (aka disneyland dad, aka Manchild, aka STBX) finally accepted that I needed a weekend without his kids AND without him and I guess it hit him is in inflated ego that I don't want to cling to him every free second I have. 

This didn't stop him from acting like a pouty skid power sulk

Everytime I try to do a nice deed or try to compromise......HE WILL find a way to turn it into Victim Olympics if it doesn't go exactly like he wants (basically us arriving together, strolling in hand-in-hand, trying to use me as free arm candy, all day cling fests followed by all night f*ck-a-thons, probably me paying if there is a fee, gleefully strolling out together)


  • For this weekend trip (that I paid for) - I really wanted ALONE time where I have ZERO obligations to employers, to his kids, to his family, to one but myself. Of course, he argued with me about how much time I should need alone based on his viewpoint. I told him it's not your place to determine how much time I need. I'm paying for it so I determine. I did however offer a compromise of him coming along the second day/night I was there - He declined
  • When I got back I had an invitation to attend a little dinner party so I drove from out of town directly to the party so I could make it on time and eat with everyone else since I was very hungry. I told him the hosts said he could come along too but guess he got in his feelings when I told him I was not wasting time driving out of my way to pick him up/he needed to drive to meet us. He text me asking if I could bring him food/he'd give me money for it but I didn't see the text until after I left the restaurant/offered to grab something on the way - He declined

I went to bed last night barely saying two words to him (which doesn't bother me at all but bothers him) and this morning he skedaddled on out of here without barely talking to me. 

Oh well, If me having much needed no-obligation solo time offends this dude that further lets me know he's not mentally mature enough. I offered the best compromises I could. I'm so over walking on eggshells, being forced to cling to him/his kids on what is supposed to be my obligation-free weekends. 

We work opposite shifts and only time to be a 'couple' is on weekends where he choses to cling to his kids then tries to force me to cling along too. 

Whatever......clock is ticking down till I relcaim my peace not have to deal with his mood swings/pissing matches/power sulks/mantrums/non-stop nagging


Lillywy00's picture

You have no idea. 

Im beyond tired of feeling misunderstood  and this solo trip made me realize just how over his behavior I am

I won't mind "clinging" to a man who is adequately providing, being their best masculine self, listens well, doesn't argue with women, respects women, doesn't force women to be masculine/concubines/bang maids/nurses with purses/free therapists/etc, does their best to be a good partner/spouse, well-adapted after divorce, well behaved respectful kids (although I'm avoiding men with dependents after this)

But if the man doesn't come with these qualities then I don't want it. 

Tired of a lot of these men thinking they're entitled to quality women by hardly doing the bare minimum 

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

Thats exactly what I do! Plan things that will keep me away and then come home and ignore. I only cook when I want to. I clean after the steps have left and before they come, not during because I am absent. Being out of the way and doing other things for yourself is the only way to keep your sanity

Lillywy00's picture

It is! It's like a temporary "high" but then the difficult part is having to consult with a mf about why/what/when/where you're going and if they don't agree they will power sulk when you leave (aka emotional manipulation) then powersulk when you return

These maladjusted bio parents don't like when you leave them to take care of their kids/the house by themselves. And they really lose their minds if they think they're being ignored. Lol!!! 

I refuse give up my freedom because this fool can't get his HCBM in check/he acts like his kids want to cling to him every weekend

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

I learned to live with it. Silent treatment and passive agressive were easier to deal with than explosive blowouts and anger. The house is quiet....I used to walk on eggshells but I even stopped caring. Eventually he gave up and understood that it does not phase me and he has to be with his kids no matter what....His favorite words are "you make my fatherhood difficult' or another variation "you dont help me be a father" 

Thats if I tell him to follow the court order when BM2 is asking something else....complicated for him! 


Yours will get with the program eventually until you leave lol

Lillywy00's picture

He's slowly getting with the program but unfortunately for him he showed his ass trying to force me to be his personal house slave right in the very beginning of our engagement and I am having a hard time forgiving him and even if he changes for the better it's not enough to make me want to hunker down with some ball and chains

And them thinking they're going to be hurtful using the passive aggressive silent treatment......I enjoy it. Didn't want to talk and prefer being alone to read a book or something anyways