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Day Before Skid Takeover

Lillywy00's picture

....dreading it as usual

If this dude says or does anything dumb he's going to face wrath + forced celibacy 

By the time this is over he will be fully trained for the next unsuspecting woman (if he can even pull one who will tolerate this Disneyland bs)

As long as delusional Disneyland dad keeps denying that his free range parenting style is negatively impacting the quality of my life then I will continue with my weekend disengagement plan from him and his kids. 

Side note......

And why tf is those kids mom so trifling? Every time he calls these people they have a beeping sound in the background. I want to scream out loud ...."Change your d@mn smoke detector battery you lazy c*nt!" 

One time dude let the battery drain and sat around being willfully obtuse, doing nothing but ignoring the beeping like a confused idiot "uh idk why it's beeping" I'm like "look dude you know exactly why it's beeping. We don't do that trifling sh*t over here. You want to be lazy and burn tf up in a house fire then go do that with your exwife n spawns. Now change the effing batteries!"


Lillywy00's picture

*not even trying to waste my time training this militant ahole but if he expects to land any quality women after this he better take note. 









Rags's picture

Your lady balls are incredible, your growing confidence is inspiring, and your zero tolerance for Idiot and his ShitLets is a poster example of what any SParent in a relationship with an idiot with shit failed family spawn, particularly older failed family spawn, should invoke.

The day you finally re-key the locks and put them all on the curb under the local overpass living in a ratty refridgerator box will be the crown on your confident SParent royal accoutrements.

And... the first day of your new life adventure.

Take care of you.

Give rose


Lillywy00's picture

Thank you Rags!

Your posts (as well as others) are definitely motivating 

The mere thought of rekeying to locks (and yes I have a locksmith on deck) after a weekend of scattered parenting, sloppy scheduling, skid takeover, then gaslighting when called out is giving me a dopamine rush 

AgedOut's picture

he's going to do or say something so maybe your reaction should be a blank stare and walk away. no reaction stings much worse than an angry reaction. 


just rekey the locks tonight and be done with them all. leave their things, a note and a package of AAs on the front steps under the new 'you're not welcome here' mat. 

Lillywy00's picture

You're right. 

I'm not giving this fool the narcissistic supply he is craving. 

He should be ashamed using his kids as tools to squeeze reactions out of me. But of course narcissistic tendency people don't feel shame. I'm going to simply take note then gray rock tf out of him. 

I halfway think his behavior will be temporarily better since it's his birthday and he doesn't want to be ignored on his birthday but I already told him straight up that I'm giving him the same respect he gave me on my birthday = none! Putting him and his birthday at the bottom of my priority list 


He claims he was going to celebrate with his guy friends. Good. Let those suckers finance his birthday and if he's smart he will drop those kids off elsewhere while he's out. 

Lillywy00's picture addition to that, I'm also envisioning pamphlets for lobotomy, exorcism, and "how to parent your kids" type books

Whats "AA's" ? .... A$$hole Anonymous? 

Harry's picture

You are not training him.  He will spread his and his kids happiness,, to every unexpecteing woman on the face of time.  These kids will be in there 30 and still coming over for free stuff 

AgedOut's picture

this. so very this. he is just going to move along to the next woman he can hoodwink until he can't hoodwink her no more. 

Lillywy00's picture

I give up. Can't teach an old dog new tricks. 

That's funny you say this about his kids freeloading until whenever. 

We got into an argument yesterday because (i highly doubt I will still be with him this long but just in case I go temporarily insane) I set the expectation NO ADULT SKIDS ALLOWED to live in my home .... period!!!! 

He lost his damn mind lol!!!! I'm like "look dude, If you raised your kids properly instead of holding weekend Disneyland sessions that teach them absolutely nothing then you wouldn't be worried if they can hack it as adults without being needy and dependent their whole lives"

He's more delusional than I thought if he thinks I want to not only trauma bond with him/his kid taking over my house and my weeeknds for the next 7 years (his youngest turns 18) but indefinitely if he allows them to live here when they're grown. 

F*ck No!!!!!

Lillywy00's picture

Agree. He may acquiesce on occasion but there is no true understanding of how his permissive parenting style negatively affects others. There is no understanding my perspective (only understanding of his kids) so its impossible to live with someone like this/have a partnership where marriage come as the priority. 

If there is change it's super temporary 

Lillywy00's picture

Thank y'all for giving me a good laugh. 

im gonna need some humor to make it through this weekend