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The things they don't say

lillfiredog's picture

Things have been quiet at the ole homestead. My craft room is up and running, DH came in and peeked around-smiled and said "am I allowed in here" and winked. I have been a crafting queen, feeling peaceful and all is well.
But in the back of my mind, I wondered how he was feeling about his boys, and them just up and leaving in the summer with no calls, no coming back, no nothing. That must have hurt. I mean, they ran to us like their mother was abusing them... (asking them to do chores, ya ok) and we took them in and they caused a massive ruckus in our home and my DH wasn't parenting them. I feel sorry for him a little.
Yesterday I found out that he told SS20 if he wasn't going to school, has no plan in life etc, that he should just go it on his own _yay! He asked the other SS if he was coming back, SS said yes. DH said that there are rules, work full time or go to school etc. and SS said he was "planning" on working. Yuck. I don't want him in my house. But I digress. I heard these things not from my DH, I am happy that he actually is telling those two something, anything ... LOL!
I still feel a little like I am hanging by a thread most days, but if I can gain confidence, I should be ok.
THanks for listening.


Wah-wah-11's picture

My husband and I always get along better when the SKs are not around. I hate it for my DH but there is a huge difference with us and our home when they are not with is. But he also never followed through with rules and consequences..

lillfiredog's picture

Thank you Rising. I love it. I do a little of everything, painting, folk art, drawing, sewing, you name I will try it. I have discovered Mod Podge and I am a podgin queen lately!
I just look on youtube or etsy and get ideas, then I try them out.
I just love to create Smile