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Birthday drama

Left out mama's picture

Just a quick vent...

my SD9 has a birthday comming up in a couple of days. And oh my diva! 
every year around her birthday her behavior gets out of control. She gets a massive attitude and really pushes the limits. 

ladt night she reached a new high and actually screamed at her dad. Not just talked back, but screamed like a banshee to the point we could not understand a word she said.

needless to say her father was pissed. But he dealt with it in what I believe an appropriate manner. 

does anybody else see their bio kids or step kids turn into monsters around their birthday!? I do not have bios myself so I don't have anyone to compare her behavior to. 
the only thing I can think is that she knows her special day is comming up and she starts thinking the world revolves around her and she can do whatever she wants


Stepdrama2020's picture

My ex SD would scream and wail if daddy didnt do a party she wanted. Except my ex DH just catered and catered. Her 16th birthday was a royal bash, which i ended up paying for. Not my proudest moment but thats a whole other story. I so wanted the bitch to like me. Frig, lesson learned. I wasnt in any pics and I was not thanked.  

If this isnt nipped in the bud you will have a terror teen and a snotty adult . At least your DH deals with it. 

CLove's picture

She also sounds a little crazy!!!!

But all kids are different. Maybe she needs some therapy? Definitely needs to have repercussions.

Left out mama's picture

I think what it was was that her dad and Grammy got into an argument about her schedule (she does remote learning with her gram while her dad and I work). I think she just wanted to be part of it... she likes drama and if keeping a fight going and causing drama means she can maybe procrastinate her homework....

But he did tell her that since she was so disrespectful that he was returning one of the two birthday presents he had gotten her. And if she did it again then her party we're going to have in the spring (can't do a birthday party now because of covid)  was going to be canceled. And she knows he will follow through on it

Cover1W's picture

OSD would start talking about her birthday several MONTHS before the actual month. It was exhausting. And Xmas, same thing. And her half-birthday, SAME THING.

Don't get me going on the two actual large b-day parties we held for her. After the second one i told DH Never Again.

YSD is much better - only mentioning 'half-birthday' once this year. And she doesn't like birthday attention which led to opposite birthday issues than OSD.

Seriously, both were exhausting.

Cover1W's picture

If you don't know what this is it's a thing the elemmentary schools invented for kids who have a summer birthday and don't get to share it with their classmates. OSD drug that to herself, even though it's totally not applicable.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I haven't dealt with this, but we just do a low-key family celebration with cake and a few presents. My daughter did get noticeably more irritable before she started her first period, though. 

ndc's picture

We don't have anything as bad as what you describe, but I think it's pretty typical for kids to get a little self absorbed when their birthdays roll around.  As her most recent birthday approached, SD8 was all about her party, even though we were in a pandemic and her party with us was going to be just family (BM was having a bigger celebration)  There was a constant obsession about what her cupcakes would look like, what gifts she wanted, what food we would have, what she would wear.  I didn't dare take her to a store because she'd be asking for this decoration and that snack, all for her birthday, not to mention pointing out all the stuff that would make good gifts for her.  Days before her birthday she was nagging me about whether I'd started her cake and cupcakes yet, and she even wanted me to do a trial run to be sure I got the frosting color right (although that might have been a ploy to get more cupcakes).  She also wasn't nice to SD5, and kept telling her all the things she wouldn't be welcome to participate in at her party (usually they play fairly well together).  It wasn't real disobedience or bad behavior, just a lot of me, me, me, to the point it was annoying.  I don't remember her having the "me's" quite so bad at her 7th birthday, but maybe I've just put it out of my mind.  I have no idea what she was doing at BM's house - BM was planning on a lot more people than we were, so she might have been worse there. I don't think constant attitude and screaming like a banshee at a parent is normal "birthday behavior," but selfishness seems pretty par for the course to me.  

Wilhelm's picture

If I saw that sort of behaviour starting I am afraid birthdays would become much more low key!

SeeYouNever's picture

No this isn't normal. It's normal for kids to get a little obnoxious around their birthday but screaming to get her way is over the top. You need to get control of this now or she is going to be a terror when she turns 16. 

Left out mama's picture

She wasn't screaming to get her way about anything... her dad and gram were arguing but that had ended. When SD got on the phone I think she was just trying to get herself involved. She knows Grammy would would not punish her or enforce any punishment her dad dished out. She saw an opportunity to cross a line that she thought she could do consequence free. But her dad told her he was sending back her birthday present. That is huge for her. The idea of losing birthday or Christmas presents hits home for her.

it sucks, but we do depend on gram. She does remote learning because of the pandemic, but her dad and i have to work... it's a double edge soared. We would be screwed if gram was not willing to he help, but we lost the structure and routine she had before she had to do remote learning. 
hopefully things return to normal

Wilhelm's picture

A friend of my daughters visited her for her birthday and congratulated me and wished me a happy birthing day. It was much appreciated.

Just sounds like a badly behaved child hoping to get their own way, not sure the birthday will have anything to do with it, this behaviour will probably continue after the birthday if not stopped.