Left out mama's Blog
Is it just me?
In my previous posts I have talked about concerns I have about my SD12 and possible ADHD issues among other behavioral and possible physcologial / nuerological issues.
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Annoyed and ranting
I need to rant.
Sd11 is driving me nuts. I get annoyed the second she walks in the room.
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Need some advice on this one...I'm pretty sure SD11 has adhd (evaluation is scheduled) and impulse control has always been something she struggles with. She tends to interrupt, answer before you finish asking the question..
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How much is to much?
Ok so I need parenting advice...
my Sd11 was an absolute monster this morning.
She was at the child care place her grandmother owns. This is where she catches the bus every morning. She was telling the staff that she can do whatever she wants because her grandmother owns the place, trying to physically intimidate one memeber of the staff, lying, throwing a fit while waiting for the bus, to the point that her grandmother physically control her because she was so out of control.
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Drama Queen
AHH Preteen drama and hormones! Let the fun begin!
Everyday something happens where SD11 is injured. Somebody tripped her on purpose, someone stepped on her foot. someone closed her finger in the door. The injuries are always very traumatic and shes always the victim. (Thick layer of sarcasim) She gives us a daily injury report.
I told her that unless there were broken bone or stitches were needed, I dont want to hear it. .
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this is a vent and that's all it is!! Don't read to much into it or take it literally.
I'm venting, so please don't come at me with how I'm mean, and unsympathetic. This is the only place I can vent and not have people look at me like I'm a three headed monster.
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So frustrating!!
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Low patience
I know some of you will criticize me and tell me how much I suck. But I need to vent.
my SD10 is driving me nuts!! She refuses to do anything on her own. She constantly needs to be around us. She won't do anything on her own. If she is reading.. she won't do it in her room where it's quite.... she'll insist on sitting between us on the couch while we watch tv. Like she CONSTANTLY needs to be touching, poking, or laying on one of us. (Mostly to my DH).
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I told my DH that I think SD10 has ADHD. He agreed that she probably did (bio mom has adhd). She can't stop moving. If she does manage to sit still she starts humming and singing. At School she interrupts, does not wait her turn. She told me she feels like she can't keep up in school. When I talked to her teacher she told me the reason she is behind is not an issue of not understanding the material. It's a focus issue. SD does not get started until the work time is halfway over. So by the time worktime is over, she the one who did not finish.
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Am I to critical?
I'm not sure if I need to vent or am looking for advice.
but let me state first that I have no bio children, so I have nothing to compare my SD behaviors to.
my SD10 has some really weird behavior ( in my opinion)
she is an extrovert, but she seems very socially awkward and has no idea how awkward she is.
She sings constantly. Not just singing songs, I means she will sing whatever random words are in her head. Ans she will sing loudly. She doesn't realize how loud she is. And she will "dance"
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