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When did I become the evil stepmother?

LavenderLady's picture

I have been with my husband over 20 years, married for 15. His children were about 13 and 10 when I came into the picture. It has always been a very challenging situation but we had all been able to be cordial to one another when we got together for holidays, visits etc.  Mainly the adult stepchildren just tried to ignore me, not talk to me, just put up with me. Then the adult stepdaughters behavior seemed to get worse. She would leave our home after staying with us and not even say goodbye, thank you or anything. This happened several time and I just got fed up with now they could treat me even worse. I discusssed with my husband but he did not want to say or do anything about it. I finally got so fed up I decided to write a lettter mainly just saying it hurt everytime they left my home without saying goodbye. My counselor read the letter and thought it was important to send, so it couldnt have been too horrible. I just tried to express my hurt by their behavior without being the evil one. But I guess finally speaking up for myself (first time ever with them) made me the evil stepmother. Now my stepdaughter will not talk to me at all, will not see me (Dad only for visits) and I am not allowed in her home. I feel both hurt and angry. Husband seems just frozen and says he doesnt want to pick sides. Now I am at a loss of what to do. Do I just accept this? His daughter invites him for events, long weekend stays at her house, vacations etc. and I am not invited, he goes  everytime he's invited because he wants to spend time with his daughter and grandson but I also think that he is showing her that it is okay to treat me with this way. She now knows she doesnt have to deal with me at all and she still gets to see her Dad when she wants and get everything she wants.  Do I just accpet this and dont blink an eye everytime my husband leaves for 4 days to visit with them etc.? I am at a loss of how to cope.


Areyou's picture

If being an evil stepmother means you speak up and don’t put up with bullshit then proudly own the title and tell the little darling to grow up and suck it up. You aren’t leaving anytime soon so she better deal with it. Be a bitch to her. Don’t let her step all over you. 

LavenderLady's picture

I appreciate your feedback. Yes I won the role of evil stepmother by speaking up one time in 20 years and even with that I tried to do it kindly but truthfully.

ESMOD's picture

I think confronting emails (no matter how much your therapist liked it) can backfire.  There is no way to soften the delivery.. to change the explanation if you find the other person is misunderstanding your intent.  The written word sometimes can come out more pointed and without the emotional inflection facial expression etc..

I think it would have been much more effective if you had tried to address this in person.. perhaps by  making a point when she visited to say.  "I'm going to be in the kitchen shelling peas.. please stop by and say goodby before you leave" 

I think there may also be a little bit of mismatch in expectations. You say that your relationship was always challenging.  I'm sure that there were issues on both sides of the equation... I'm sure you did your best.. as most of us try to do, but sometimes in the end, the SM is "dad's wife" and the kids aren't interested in any more relationship with her than that.  You don't say what the challenges were.. so we don't know if they could have percieved you as changing their lives negatively.. don't know if you tried to be their mother and they didn't like that.. don't know if you constantly complained about them.. don't know if they were horrid little minions of their HCBM..

In the end, as adults, they don't seem to want a close relationship with you... then you send them a letter accusing them of treating you badly and causing them pain.. honestly.. they probably just didn't feel they owed you more than being civil and got mad that they were called out on it.  Did the daughter thank her father for visits?  Maybe he raised ungrateful kids (in which case you can enjoy not having to spend time with them)? 

I don't know what the solution is...  You could try to broker a truce?  perhaps invite the daughter to lunch to talk?  I dont' know.. what do you want?  Do you expect your DH to snub them and not see them or force them to invite you to something.  They are adults and they can behave on their own independently of their father's wishes.  I'm sure he wishes the relationship was better... but he probably feels he has limited power to change this and isn't willing to dump his kids... but he will leave you alone while he sees them.. but the risk of losing you seems less likely than him losing his kids.


LavenderLady's picture

Thank you for your input, it was insightful and made me think more about both sides mine and theirs, which I try t do. I agree a letter might have caught them off guard as I never spoke up once in the 20 years and just stayed quiet and went along. I asked my husband if he would talk to them about these things/behaviors or if we could together and he didn’t want to so at the time I thought a letter might be less confrontational.Anyway now they hate me and my husband is mad that I wrote the letter before first showing it to him (shared with him after I sent). I asked my husband if she would meet with me, if we could all go to lunch and talk or I even offered going to a family counselor but he said his daughter probably wouldn’t be open to that. I don’t want him to snub his kids or not see them. I just believe as his wife I deserve some level of respect. Maybe a thank you once in awhile when we buy expensive gifts, trips etc. And as adults can’t we all sit thru a meal or something together once in awhile. By him not talking to them and just going along with this behavior isn’t it just going to get worse? He said she is mad that I get 90% time and she only gets 10%. I think his fear of making them upset or alienating them is much greater than his fear of losing me. I guess sometimes as stepmothers maybe we have to face no matter the age of the kids they seem to always come first.

Dovina's picture

Your adult SD obviously doesnt get that  a wife would be with her husband 90% of the time. She is an adult...good grief! 

Surely your DH sees her flawed, self centered thinking?? Not to mention that he doesnt defend his wife from the disrespect. I am mad for you. I am glad you sent that letter actually. It ruffled your SD's feathers, and its about time. Since your DH doesnt stand up for you, you had no choice in the matter. Do not let DH second guess yourself and make you feel less than.

LavenderLady's picture

Thanks, I said that to my husband doesn’t a wife usually have more time with her husband than a 30+ adult child. That anyone would start thinking in percentages seemed odd. No my DH does not see any self centered thinking. Thank you for your support in sending the letter. I have thought a lot about it but I needed to speak up somehow, I usually just go along and stay quiet. It did ruffle her feathers and she really hated that obviously. I did feel like I was a backed  up to the wall option, either keep going along (stay quiet) or say something. I have second guessed myself constantly, mainly because my husband and his his kids reacted so strongly and negatively to my letter, I still feel like since my husnand wasnt going to address anything it was time to speak up for myself. I am trying really hard not to let my DH make me feel less than but it feels like he and them look at me as the one that caused the problem by ever saying anything. Do I regret the letter/speaking up, NO, but the fact that my husband is upset with me for sending it without him seeing it first and the issues it has caused with our marriage and his children are hard to cope with.


Dovina's picture

do not like that their wives finally standing up to the problem. The problem being DH and the disrespectful and entitled skids. These men are scared of their own kids, fine but you dont have to be just stand your ground. You didwhat you felt was right to try and correct the situation. It was not like you wrote an angry F U emai and sent it. You even discussed this with your therapist before hand to make sure this email was appropriate. They are all scapegoating you for their own dysfunction. Thats convenient and easy for them to make YOU the problem.

Stay strong, its an attractive quality.

notasm3's picture

My take on this crud is “eff off bitch”.  I do not want toxic ahole people in my life.   And if my DH wants to be a toxic ahole bastard he can leave too. 

Life is too short to deal with toxic people. 

LavenderLady's picture

I agree but it’s hard when the toxic person is your husbands daughter that will always be part of his/our lives in one way or another.

Merry's picture

Looks to me like your husband HAS picked sides. And it's not yours. Sure, I get that he wants to see his daughter and grandkids. But it would sure be nice if he insisted on at least basic civility toward his wife. His kids don't have to LIKE you, but they should at least be respectful of their father, and that means being respectful of their father's wife.

LavenderLady's picture

Yes, I do feel he has picked sides even though he says he is trying to stay neutral. And I feel like I am left to stand alone and just deal and accept all and any their behaviors or I will be an even more evil stepmother if I say anything more. It’s hard though in a marriage when you don’t think your husband has your back in situations like this. That is all I am asking is basic civility, not expecting anything more than that at this point, have accepted this is never going to be a warm fuzzy relationship. 

disrestep's picture

Do you have to accept things? No,no and no. Why should you? How would your DH feel if you did the same thing to him.

You are not the evil SM. Your SD is being evil by playing exclusion games with your DH. Purposely excluding a family member is wrong. Your DH should not sit back and do nothing about it. A good husband not only invites his wife on family vacations, but doesn't go if his wife is being left behind because a disrespectful SD does not want her to. 

Seems your DH does not want to upset his evil DD. He should man up and not allow this toxic girl to ruin your marriage.

Let your DH know how you feel and ask him how he'd like the same treatment. Tell him you would like to take a vacation with him.

your SD is most likely using the gskid as pawn to manipulate your DH. My adult steps use their kids the same way. It is so obvious and sickening. 

Stand your ground and don't let these toxic steps exclude you. It is wrong. If they want to keep excluding you, your DH should discuss this with them. A good husband doesn't ignore when people in their family treat his spouse like dirt. It sounds like the steps have been treating you poorly for a very long time. 

LavenderLady's picture

Thanks, it really helps hearing input from others that have understanding of stepfamily issues and how challenging it is! I guess I was starting to resign myself that I might just have to accept this behavior. It is hard for me to understand him not standing his ground for us and for me and saying that I can’t just not be included all the time. I don’t want to accept this behavior but I feel like I am out of options of how to change it if they won’t talk to me, my husband won’t talk to them or tell them we should all talk about it together. He just thinks time will maybe heal it. I don’t think time heals things like this as much as effort and talking. It has just started to feel hopeless that it’s now always going to be like this and I just have to live with it, even if I hate that realization.

still learning's picture

Let him go, four days is nothing. During that time hire someone to change up something in the house, go visit a friend, relative, have a party, do something other than mope around because DH is off w/his rude daughter.  Let them have each other. Be happy and busy when he's gone and enjoy the peace.  

You didn't want to deal w/her rude behavior anymore, you got your wish.  

LavenderLady's picture

I do try all of that. I try to make it my time and do things for me and I do appreciate the peace sometimes,But now it’s turned into about 4 days a month (we live far from each other) and his daughter still complains they don’t see him enough. And also our lives seems to revolve around that when his daughter wants him to visit, go somewhere, he goes so she kind of dictates our schedule of when she want to see Dad and he goes, doesn’t turn her down. So I just wait to be informed of the next time she wants him somewhere then I am left to accept and deal with that because she has decided that is when she wants him there.

fairyo's picture

This post resonated with me so much. When I eventually spoke to TheX about OSD and her wedge creating tactics he took her side and labelled me as evil. Where do you go from there? I thought about phoning/writing to OSD and appealing to her good nature in seeing things from my perspective- but in the end thought better of it, and here's why. She was waiting for it! It was what she had wanted all along- to have me grovelling like the rest of her manipulated family, and I hate to say it but you played right into her hands writing that e-mail as it now gives her carte blanche to have daddeee to herself and make you feel second class to their first class enmeshment.

I think you have two choices here: One, leave them alone in their relationship and build up your self-esteem, focus on yourself (look up Sammigirl on here) and live your own life within the confines of your marriage as if SD didn't exist. It is called disengagement and if has worked for lots of people on here.

Two: talk to DH and try to get him to see all you have done and put up with for twenty years. Tell him how unhappy you are and if he does not begin to see what his enabling of his daughter's behaviour has done I would make plans to leave.

In the end TheX and I could not have a relationship in which he constantly ran after his little girl/grown woman and buried his head in the sand rather than regarded my feelings about this at all.

It is five months since I left him- he does not want me back and chose his children over me. I am remaking my life and it is great- they no longer dominate my thoughts and I am in control of my own life.

Let us know how you get on.

LavenderLady's picture

Good for you in doing what you needed to do to take back your life. You are a strong person! I will do more research on disengagement that seems to be how a lot of others have learned to try and cope with their situations. Thanks for your input!

LavenderLady's picture

Thank you to everyone that has responded to my post. I am so glad that I found this site and I appreciate the support from others that also face their own challenges with blended families. Just getting feedback has helped me to feel less alone and that I am not just being too sensitive and maybe it's not all my fault. Now just need to learn how to disengage and not let this effect my life so negatively.