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My kids call my new husband dad and ex does not like it!

lavada_129's picture

Hello my kids call my new husband daddy j and my ex is so upset he started threatening us today like he always do when he can't get his way. He was threatening that when he sees us together how he was going to fight us and he was going to beat the kids everytime he hears them call him daddy j. I have came from a blended family before growing up and I don't see what the problem is if we are divorced and I have remarried. It is not like the kids calls my ex husband by his name. They call him daddy! If any one have any advice on what to do about this situation. I told my ex that this situation is not about him it is the kids and if they want to call him that they can. It is there personal relationship not his. Growing up they will continually do things that he may not like or do like they are human and they will do eventually what they want and like. I am really thinking of calling the police when I am on my way to get the kids. Just in case something does happen. I just don't get it one minute he is ok with everything and the next we have alot of issues. We have been divorced for almost 3 years.


lavada_129's picture

I don't care if they call my ex husband wife mommy or mom. That is me I guess. The kids started calling my husband daddy jay when they asked what he was to them and I said he is you new stepdad. His kids call me momma Vee. And I call my ex husband your dad when I refer to the kids but when I am talking to him one on one. I call him by his first name. I do have respect and when I was growing up and my mom remarried I called my step father daddy B and my bio father just daddy. it was not a problem they all understood. When my dad remarried my mom got upset when I was calling her husband dad first before my father got married it is just some people are just one sided things are ok when it is benefitting them.

Rags's picture

This is certainly not unusual in a blended family situation.

My wife and I married when SS was 1yo. I was the first person he ever called Dad(dy) and I will always be his Dad.

The SpermClan has always had an issue with this. My stance has always been "Tough Shit". I never told the kid to call me Dad(dy). He chose to call me Dad.

There was a brief time whe he was ~10yo that he came home from summer visitation with the SpermClan and told me he could no longer call me Dad. I told him fine. Dad has always been good enough untill now so if he no longer wanted to call me Dad he could call me Mr. Rags. I told him no child is allowed to call me by my first name and if Dad was no longer good enough then Mr. Rags was his only option.

At that point he said. I guess you are my Dad and always will be.

I don't require that my SS call his BioDad "Worthless Piece of Shit" which would certainly be indicative of his value as a human so BioDad does not get to dictate what my SS calls me in our home.

THough I can understand your X's issue with this, he is not even allowed an opinion of what occurs in your household.

IMHO of course.

lavada_129's picture

I have remarried and he shouldn't have too much of a say of what goes on in my house. As long as he knows who comes in and out that is all that matters unless we are randomly talking regarding the kids. I don't inquire what goes on in his house. And he shouldn't do the same. For all of that we should of stayed together.

lavada_129's picture

I have suggested that and he said no he wants the kids to call him by his first name. But the thing is when my ex husband put me and the kids out the house before we got divorced the kids saw this man help take care of them. When they wanted and needed something he was there. So don't make you a dad being there helping to potty train them and etc.. While the bio dad ran the streets with females.

Sia's picture

I think I can understand why your ex would be upset, and honestly, if he's upset about it, then I'd ask the kids not to do it. Simply out of respect.

lavada_129's picture

I will talk to my new husband about it. But honestly I feel my ex needs to just grow up. And stop all of this. I don't see a difference when he meets people and they call them uncle and all the guys are doing is playing basketball and video games with him. Why not call them by there first name.

Mommyto1Stepto2's picture

How old are your kids? I don't think they should be calling your new husband daddy at all so I don't blame your ex for being upset! He should not be threatening though. I would ask your kids not to do it.

lavada_129's picture

My kids are 10 and 7 years old. And they have been calling him dad for over 2 years i don't get the point of it now.


I agree that calling a current spouse mommy/daddy is disrespectful to the bio-parent, if bio-parent is still visiting with the child. It is a slap in face. I would not allow my DH to teach my SD10 to be disrespectful to her BM by calling me mommy and I would hope that if something should happen between DH and I, he remembers that lesson when it comes to our BD...should he remarry. We all want our children to be respectful of other people's should start with the ones that they care about and dad!

overmyhead's picture

I had a Stepfather from the age of 5. I never called him Dad until the last few years, and I am now 41. It is now a sign of respect for all he has done for me. My teenagers call him Poppa.
However, my Biodad has no idea I call my stepdad "Dad", and if he did find out, it would break his heart, so I would never want him to know.
I think we just have to use good judgement, and put ourselves in the other persons shoes.
If your kids had no contact at all with biodad, that would be different, but they do. I like the idea of a made up name, it gives intimacy instead of first name basis, however doesn't step on biodads toes.

Rainbow.Bright's picture

Is anyone missing the point that he is threatening to BEAT THE CHILDREN and THEM???? I don't care if they are calling the man "Baby Jesus", threats to people's personal safety are NOT OK!!!

Record your conversations and turn him into the police if the threats continue. You sound like you are worried for your safety so you need to be very diligent in protecting yourself and your children.

lavada_129's picture

Thanks!! Finally i am and the whole and over all point is who cares about his feelings it is all about the kids. As long as the kids is not doing anything disrespectful to anyone. They call everyone there rightful name I feel.

Anon2009's picture

I understand why he's upset, but he's threatening to beat the kids? Not cool.

You need to protect your kids. Document what your ex says and ask your attorney if you can bring a small recorder with you to pickups and dropoffs and to record phone calls. Save every email, text message, and phone message from him.

lavada_129's picture

I will I just went out to buy one a recorder. He does this everytime he does not get his way. There were a time that we all was going out on a family vacation. We were running late and I had to work late. Me and my husband went to go and get the kids. I went to the door to get the kids from my ex's house and he had to go to the car to put the bags in he knew and saw my husband in the car. My husband said hello and my ex wanted to fight. He is over 30 years old. he needs to grow up.

Willow2010's picture

Your ex is wrong to threaten you about this stuff, BUT, I totally dis agree with skids calling sparents by mom or dad.

To me it is wrong, wrong, wrong. And you are just as wrong to let the kids continue to do it. Especially when you see how it is making your ex take it out on the kids.

I am a step parent and a bio parent. I certainly would not want my skid to call me mom. He has a mother. And I would not want my kids to call DH dad. Even tho their dad is absent most of the time, they still have a dad.

I have never understood the need for parents to push kids into calling step parents mom or dad. Strange to me.

lavada_129's picture

I never pushed my kids one day at dinner after a year of him living in the house with us and my divorce was amended for absolute. My oldest son just came out and said Daddy Jay can I have some juice please. We were shocked, he smiled and said sure son. I didn't see a problem with it and still don't.

WifeVersion2.0's picture

I have mixed feelings on this issue. It's difficult sometimes for the kids not to call their step parents "mom" or "dad" especially if there are younger siblings from the new marriage and especially if the other parent doesn't take an active role in the day-to-day lives of the bio children.

My 1st husband had a huge issue with this but our son was only 2 when he met my 2nd husband, we married when he was 5 and added a baby of our own when oldest son was 6. We never referred to my new husband as dad or daddy until the baby was born but my oldest started calling him "daddy-name" after the wedding (on his own accord) and it eventually got shortened to daddy. The ex told my son once he didn't want him calling SD daddy and son came home in tears. The ex eventually got over it and son started calling SD daddy and his Bio Dad or Father. Several years later 2nd husband and I unfortunately divorced. My son is now 14 and still considers his former step dad his "daddy" and refers to his Bio Dad as "Father". I'm remarried to my 3rd husband and the kids call him by his 1st name or step-dad.

As a SM to two kids SD12, SS11 I didn't become their SM until they were 11 and 9 and honestly never expected either of them to call me mom. However, my SS calls me mom all the time. He even did it in front of his biomom once and I froze waiting for fireworks to explode but she never said a word about it. My SD calls me by my name. I'm fine with that too. Whatever the kids are comfortable with.

I have to say though that as a very involved mom, I would be upset if my kids called either of their SM's mom. I'd be fine with a nickname of some kind or mom-name maybe but not just mom or mommy!

lavada_129's picture

I feel the same way you do totally. And my kids call my new husband daddy Jay because his name is John. They call there bio dad Daddy and pop. So it is not daddy alone that they call my new husband.

sway1's picture

I don't think your children should be calling your husband dad. their dad is in the picture. whether or not your husband is a good roll model for your children he is still the step.
no, your x should not be threating to beat the kids. that is way out of line.
your children can grow up and respect your husband as a father figure. and your husband can respect them as his own. but calling the stepdad a dad is disrespectful.... just my opinion

Gia's picture

We used to tell SD (then 3, now 6) that I was mommy#2, however she never really called me "mommy number two", just by my first name. I'm ok with it and would probably feel uncomfortable if she called me "mom" or "mommy"

Willow2010's picture

But the thing is when my ex husband put me and the kids out the house before we got divorced the kids saw this man help take care of them. When they wanted and needed something he was there.

I am curious. This sounds like you were with this man before you moved out of your ex’s house? Maybe your ex has a bit of resentment left over after that and that is contributing to his anger over this…?

If you love your kids and you see that this is making their time with their real dad miserable, then you need to make them stop calling your new DH dad. JMHO.

edit to add...make up a new name sounds really cool.

lavada_129's picture

Thanks. No I was not fully divorced when I met my new husband he was not either at the time. My husband at the time was messing around with this women for over 6 years and would not stop. So when I was going apartment hunting to leave my husband at the time. One of the apartments called me back at home and he didn't go to work that day he answered the phone and the leasing agent told him that I was not approved for the apartment he got mad and put asked me was I trying to leave him. I told him yes, because he was messing around and I was tired of it. He claim he would stop and I believed him until his cellphone was going off again when he was taking a shower and he left out of the house and came back the next day. At that time me and my (now new husband) was just talking taking classes together not dating not talking on the phone or anything just talk in school. We exchange emails and started emailing back and forth. When my husband at the time found out he put me and the kids out of the house. My friend (which is my new husband) put me and the kids in a hotel and got us an apartment when he found out. And then three months later after I filed for a separation we started dating, and then 6 months later he moved in.

But another name I will see.

lastchance's picture

I disagree with the majority of the posters. I think the kids should be able to call your husband "daddy" if:

1)it's their choice and you and your husband are not pushing them to do it
2)they really see him as a father figure.

The way I see it is if the kids are comfortable enough with your husband to call him dad and not just think of him as another adult that takes care of them (like a babysitter for example), they should be allowed to call him whatever they want within reason.

Just because your kids call another man "dad" doesn't detract from their bio-dad's relationship if he's a good parent.

My SD tells us that my husband is her "dad-dad" and her step-father is just her dad. Every once in a while she slips up and calls her "dad-dad" by his first name, same with her step-father. She realizes and corrects herself saying "i mean [insert name here]"

I think if you put too much emphasis on the whole name thing they will get confused and potentially hurt. They will get bad associations with the name/person dad.

I agree with Rags in saying "tough shit" to the bio-dad.

PS...seriously, threatening the kids because they call someone else dad is a bit deranged. I can see why you divorced him!

MrsDaisaku's picture

I've had the same thing happen with my step daughters, they started calling me mum, (but not mummy, they know the difference). They are very young, and naturally fell into it without any influence. The BM found out and naturally hit the roof. Despite her best efforts the children still call me mum (apart from if ive had to tell them off, then they fall back to my name lol). But they come back and say i must not call you mum, however 5mins later they revert back. They have now learned that when they go back to Mummys house they refer to me by my given name.

I fully support that it must be the childrens choice what they call you, but i also believe that calling a step parent by their name is also disrespectful. Children know the difference, its the meaning to the adult that is so upsetting. Remember that to the Dad it will feel like his role to them is being usurped. Whether thats the case or not, try to be understanding and explain to the kids that thats how it makes their Dad feel. If the kids explain to their father that noone would take his place, then it may alleviate some of the tension, but not all. Good luck, its a tricky situation. I know!

lavada_129's picture

He is not listening to anybody not even his kids and at first the kids will only call my husband daddy jay at home with us. And call him just jay with there dad. But when he dropped them off one day they said bye daddy jay i love you. And it went crazy.

MrsDaisaku's picture

Having someone that isnt going to listen to you or the kids isnt going to help resolve anything. Especially with the history, bound to be resentment from the BF. Perhaps get the kids to write their daddy a letter. Keep it simple and be honest with the kids why you're doing it. But only if they want to obviously. Having something concrete from the kids to show him that he's no1 could help. Or not... worth a try maybe?

libby's picture

I find it extremely disrespectful for the kids to call your new husband Daddy, when he is in the picture.

You may have divorced and re-married, but you children have not.

These are his children too! He only can be daddy to certain people in life - it is not a privilege your husband deserves.

As far as the calling the new wife Mom or Mommy - I am going to guess that he has not re-married yet. Because I don't know any woman hearing her children call another woman mom it would not bother.

lavada_129's picture

He has a girlfriend and they at times call her mom. And no it does not bother me. if it does to everyone else I am sorry but it does not bother me. To me it makes me feel that my kids are that comfortable to call her mom. They call me mommy or momma and call her mom or ma. Which is the same that they call there grandma. So no it does bother me. But it bothers him that they call her ma and my new husband daddy jay. And it shouldn't it is the kids choice not yours. I feel get mad if they call you another name other than Dad or daddy. That is when I will get upset. I don't allow them to disrespect there father no matter what is going on. My husband shows the kids affection by saying I love you, and gives hugs when they are leaving or when they see each other. My ex does not do that with the kids and when they want to he tells them to sit down and boys and men don't hug.

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

You said your ex overheard your kids tell your husband "bye daddy jay, I love you" I think what really upset your ex is hearing your kids tell your husband "I love you" You say that your husband shows them affection and gives them hugs and your ex does not do that with the kids. Your ex is JEALOUS and ENVIOUS of their relationship and he is using the excuse of calling your husband "daddy jay" as to why he is upset. If it is true that your kids call your ex girlfriend "mom" and your ex is aware of that he is a major hypocrite. Seriously, he had an affair for 6 yrs and once he found out you were talking to someone else he kicked you and the kids out! What a huge a-hole! But he expected you to put up with his cheating ways....Don't think so.

He needs to get over his insecure ways. You can talk with your kids and tell them that out of respect for their dad (which if you ask me he does not deserve it!) they are to refrain from calling Jay "Daddy Jay" around your ex. And you need to explain this to your husband so his feeling will not get hurt.

Willow2010's picture

I didn't see a problem with it and still don't.
You don’t see a problem with your ex threatening to beat your kids??!! I do. I realize it may be a control thing and I hate to be controlled, but if it made it easier on my kids, I would just make them stop calling the new DH dad.

There are hills to die on and I don’t think this would be one of them. I would not sacrifice my kids just to prove a point to the ex that he can’t control me. Nope.

overmyhead's picture

After reading the various posts, I sort of have a change of heart. In a way, it's not unlike calling our Mother-in-law "Mom" or Father-in-law "Dad".
I think kids are smart enough to know the difference. If they love both "parents" then they should get to decide what they call them.
I would consider not advertising it though, to spare biodads feelings......
However....if he threatens to beat them, then he apparently doesn't deserve any consideration.

Rags's picture

I called my XILs "Mom and Dad". Never again will I refer to anyone but my parents by "Mom and Dad". My parents are amazing and no one else has earned those monicres. I refer to my ILs by their first names.

A StepParent situation is a bit different. A StepParent can earn the monicre of Mom or Dad. We often are more invested in the kid than their own BioParent(s). The kids know this.

So, I personally ascribe to the "tough shit" perspective on this topic if my BioCounterpart or any member of the SpermClan take exception to my son (SS) calling me Dad.

I like your perspective of "I think kids are smart enough to know the difference. If they love both "parents" then they should get to decide what they call them" is very astute. My only caveat would be that I would not allow any child to call me by my first name.

Until he was ~12yo my SS referred to BioDad as "Daddy (First Name)". Then he just started referring to BioDad as Dad. When we are in conversation in our home about BioDad SS refers to him by his first name. I think he is uncomfortable referring to BioDad as Dad with me around. It does not bother me. In those discussions I refer to BioDad as "your Dad".

Best regards,

stepmom2one's picture

It is your home so when the kids are in it they can do/say whatever.

But in your ex's presence, their Dads presence, the kids should call him by name. To me it is a respect issue.

My SD11 calls her SDad Dad. She doesn't at our house nor in my DHs presence when at events. SD asked if she could call me mom, I refused. To me, she has a mom, I have my own kids. Her calling me by my first name is more comfortable for me....and less confusing to my/DHs children.

I would hope that you would tell your children not to call him Dad in their Biodads presence. They need to learn to be respectful and considerate of others peoples feelings, this is the perfect oppurtunity for that lesson.

Jsmom's picture

If their Dad is in the picture, they should not be calling their stepfather dad. He is not their Dad. Come up with another name. That is not fair. My husband even has it in his divorce decree that the kids can't call someone else mom or dad. Takes it off the table. You are wrong here. Sorry, but on this one I am with their dad.

mommyamor's picture

When I was faced with this sitch...I just instructed DS not to refer to Step-Dad as Dad when he is in his "Dad Dads" presence. And he doesn't and he hasn't gotten scolded over this non-issue since it was first addressed.

Now when it comes down to special events ie games, graduations, best thing to do is sit way across the other room from each other. That way the child doesn't feel uncomfortable having both Dad's there.

It's really immaturish if U ask me. Insercurity ALL THE WAY!!!

What's worse than an insecure BM??

An insecure BD...UGH! :sick:

Nemo's picture

I think it's fine. It's their choice what they want to call him! They aren't babies.

My step brother has always called my mom and his mom "mom". Which is funny!

He will be on the phone with his BM and she will say something to which my brother replys "Hold on, Let me ask my mom"

Or "MOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMM, My mom wants to talk to you"

And honeslty, it's your house. You can tell your ex to go eat shit. Tell him, too bad! You made your decision, to not be in your child's lives, and have another man taking care of them, these are the natural consequences.

MARTHATEGO's picture

I just want to share my experience and testimony here.. I was married for 6 years to my husband and all of a sudden, another woman came into the picture.. he started hailing me and he was abusive..but I still loved him with all my heart and wanted him at all cost? then he filed for whole life was turning apart and I didn't know what to do..he moved out of the house and abandoned the kids.. so someone told me about trying spiritual means to get my husband back and introduced me to a spell caster? so I decided to try it reluctantly..although I didn't believe in all those things? then when he did the special prayers and spell, after 2days, my husband came back and was pleading..he had realized his mistakes..i just couldn't believe it.. anyways we are back together now and we are case anyone needs this man, his email address [email protected], his spells is for a better life. again his email is [email protected].