Took a vacation back under a new user name
For those of you who might remember me, my old user name rhymed with "cookie"
I had to leave steptalk for a little but I'm back now. Apparently, DH thinks his mother and the EX found this site and asked me to delete all of my blogs, which I begrudgingly did. I think he found out that most of what I was saying was actually true and the truth hurt. It's always been my motto, If you aren't afraid to do it, then you shouldn't be afraid to hear about it or have someone else find out about it.
DH's son left rather abruptly so we've been w/o him for two months and haven't seen him. DH feels very strongly that he doesn't think we're going to see him ever again since his BM and grandparents are blocking communication. So his room is a damn mess and stinks. When he first left, DH said we could either use it as an office or look into having it remodeled as part of our master suite since our home only has one bathroom. I made the mistake of asking him to call his parents to get the furniture out and DH flipped. Apparently we have to leave it as a living shrine in his memory which I feel is absolutely ridiculous.
DH had to pay CS but luckily, the BM only asked for half of what the mediator determined but being the ever skeptical person that I am, I think it was a ploy to lull my DH in to a false sense of security - like the calm before the storm. Now that BB knows the astronomical amount that she possibly could get out of DH, I think she'll go after him again and soon. I told him to insist on claiming the kid every year on tax returns since BB didn't pay DH any support while the kid was in our custody but he came home smiling saying she agreed to let DH claim him on even years which was my idea because I was smart to figure out the remaining years he can be claimed, so he felt like he "won" that stipulation.
In the meantime, life had been rough but it's settling down. I missed posting here but also had a miserable, depressed DH to deal with. I can't say I'm glad his son is gone. There was a definite void at first but I think we're getting used to it now, and there's actually the possibility that he'll be visiting at the end of June which has me on pins and needles already, but DH doesn't think they'll (BB & his evil mother) let him come. DD is definitely much happier and she doesn't go to my parents house as often which is so nice because for two years, she felt like she had to go there to get away from the stress and tension in our new home.
Where's zen? I hope she didn't forget about me and the retreat this summer!
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