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A Mother's Day to remember... (A happy SM story!)

Last-Wife's picture

I'll always remember today, because it ended with one of the funniest things that has ever happened to me! Not to make anyone fell bad, but I had a great Mother's Day. I ended up sleeping on the couch last night (long story, but nothing bad) and somehow, we all managed to sleep in till after 8 am. Gibby, my BS 9, came in kissed me and wished me happy day, and he went back to his room to watch movies. later I finally got up and crawled back in bed with Loghead, and we watched the news and our Sunday morning favorite- Yard Crashers. Gibby popped in and out several times, climbing in bed with us, and asking to eat fruit. When our shows were over, Loghead brought me my school bag and said he'd fix lunch, since everyone was just getting up and it was almost 11:00.

Everyone was home but Lazy Boye 15, who had stayed with a friend. The rest of us had lunch together and I opened my cards from the kids and Loghead. i also got a magic wand that flashes and plays music and I got 3 wishes- anyone had to do anything I said, when I said it, but i could only do it three times. Cute idea, Loghead!

Then everyone cleaned the kitchen, and we did some yard work together. Princess 19 came home from college Saturday and made cupcakes. Gibby and I did some homework. I watched some TV and had a nap! And then Loghead told me he'd take me into town to get a burger for dinner. At the local gas station. The only eating place in town. Not really my first choice... But whatever. I put on a new outfit I actually bought a year ago, but didn't really fit, and since I've lost 22 pounds since August, it was perfect for our first day of 90 degree weather in the mid-west! I looked good!

We stopped over to see my MIL and wish her a happy day. Oh! And dinner was just ME and LOGHEAD. No kids! he said that was my present! Before we'd left, he'd set everything up for Princess to cook dinner for the other kids... Anyway, sat with MIL for a bit, and SIL was there too. They nagged him about how pretty I looked and they couldn't believe he was just going to take me to the gas station!

To make a long story a bit shorter- we ended up driving all the way into the bigger town nearby and ate at my favorite restaurant. On the way home we picked up Lazy Boye at his friend's house. We were in Princess's car, because Loghead wanted to check it was running okay. So Lazy Boye is telling us about his day, and we are about a mile outside of town when the car sputters...

And it slows, but we were at the top of a hill, so we coasted down... And it picked up enough speed to coast all the way back up the next hill, and loghead is able to pull off into a driveway- RIGHT ACROSS THE ROAD FROM THE GAS STATION when the car runs out of gas! Luckily there was a guy there with a gas tank, so Lazy boye and Loghead walk across the street to get gas. (Luckily the guy there had a gas tank, and Loghead and Lazy Boye simply walked across the street for gas.)



Last-Wife's picture

Ah, that's the best part! He forgot to give me an expiration date... i pointed out last night around 11 pm, that I haven't used any wishes and he didn't tell me when it expired!