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Ex-Parte granted. I'm worried about the hearing coming up. Your thoughts, experiences?

LaMareOssa's picture

DH got emergency, temporary custody of SD because her BM went to jail. Again. It's a restraining order. I am worried about their court hearing coming up. The judge will decide to keep SD with us where shes safe, or homeless with BM. BM was arrested for another assault w/domestic violence. This is nothing new. DH is filing for full custody of SD because of BM's craziness. BM's parents also got temporary custody of BM's other two kids and they are asking the court to have BM admitted into inpatient therapy. BM has a long history of domestic violence assaults as well as other violent crimes and not so violent charges.

Have any of you ever been in this situation? I am so afraid for SD. I'm afraid the judge is going to give SD back to BM. The papers are already filed and the date is set. Now it's just a waiting game. And it's driving me nuts.


morgan_minx80's picture

They arent going to be giving custody of your sd to a homeless woman. All her craziness is gonna be part of it and your dh is filing for custody. Chances are he will get it. BM is gonna need to sort her sh*t out.