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A New DOG!? I don't think so honey!

LaLaLaaa's picture

So this evening I overheard SD and DH talking about a Dog...she was showing him what breeds she likes etc...alright, nothin' wrong w that. But it then somehow went from that to "so can we get a dog? DHs answer "yeah"...wait, What!?!...Helloooooo! 'Member ME!? Me, who is home all day long and who will have to take care of this dog daily!? No one asked what I think!

We havr SD one baby and one on the way and one dog already!!! ...oh and we live in a TINIEST house on this planet!! We CAN'T get a big breed dog!!! I sent DH a msg saying "did you Just say 'Yes' to SD getting a dog?!? Because u better tell SD to ask her Mom what She thinks of that idea cuz if She is getting it, this is Her dog and its going w her when she goes back to her mom. This should be a good responsibility lesson because she can't just get a dog cuz its "cute" and then leave it to someone else to take care of him and train him etc"...Our little dog is driving me Crazy already!! I can't have two babies and TWO dogs here! Omg! Can you ppl give me some advice on how to handle this!? 45 is 13 so she's big enough to understand all the responsibilityu that is involved in having a dog! UGH!!!


Kes's picture

This is a totally stupid idea. Of course you don't want another dog - sounds like you don't really want the one you already have. My exH once got a puppy without telling me, I came home to find it in our kitchen. And guess who ended up taking it for most of it's walks?

I hope you stick by your decision to hold firm against getting a dog. If your SD wants to care for a dog what's wrong with the one you have? Why don't you suggest she takes it out for some walks if she's so keen.

LaLaLaaa's picture

You are so Right! After having this lil yapper for years I'm SO OVER dogs!! I use to love them, I'm not sure I still do just stresses me out!...well, she doesn't like this dog...she didn't want it, yeah I get it...It's our dog...

She wants some larger breed dog..."But its so cute" she said...I also think its Stupid to just say "Yes" to something like this without talking to All involved! And without making sure she KNOWS this is NOT just EOW thing! When YOU want a dog, its Yours and it goes where You go, right!? You don't just get to leave it somewhere! Not to mention that in my opinion if u Want something that costs a lot of money( oh yeah, Money! Something we DON'T have!) You should earn part of that money that's gonna pay for it! She is 13! Time for some Lessons here!Omg...UGH! I am stricking with my decision! I just really hope he'll realize how dumb this would be...oh btw, why doesn't her BM get her one!? She lives in a F*cking House by the lake and a hude yard!!!

Kes's picture

We have a dog, but I don't work and am able to take her for walks etc - we love her, she is our baby, but we thought long and hard before getting her, and it IS a big adjustment in your life having a dog, in many ways comparable to the adjustment you have when you have a baby. You have to reconsider trips and places you go where you can't take it - eg we never go on holiday abroad because we can't take the dog. I think its wrong to get a dog if you can't put in the time and effort they take - eg I don't like it when people who work long hours leave a dog alone in their house all day - they are pack animals and they hate it.

I sincerely hope your DH sees what a daft idea this is - especially a big dog in a small and already crowded house. Absolutely she can get one at BMs if she has the space - but to be honest I think she just likes the idea of a cute puppy - not for instance taking it out in the wind and rain last thing at night to do it's business.

LaLaLaaa's picture

Yep! And the novelty is gonna wear out and I will end up being the one taking care of two kids and two dogs! Oh Hell NO!

Cocoa's picture

that's a definite NO. stick by your guns. if sd wants a dog, she needs to ask the parent she LIVES with for most of the time. and, if her mother allows her to have a dog, she can buy it for her. AND said dog does NOT come with for visitation. you have your hands full already. if you don't have a voice in this, you will ALWAYS be railroaded. roar woman!

LaLaLaaa's picture

Thank You!! yes!! I will NOT be one of those 'doormat" women!! I live here too and they WILL hear my opinion too!!I sent him a message last night saying all this to him! How she should ask her mom to geet it....and if she does get it the dog stays with all times...she feeds it...picks up his crap....and everything else! she is old enough to understand this Huge responsibility!

I was surprised when I heard my husband agreeing to it cuz he's usually reasonable....and doesn't get manipulated easily...but guess he was caught up in some "weekend dad" syndrome sudden attack!

farmers wife's picture

^^^^^ is some really good advice. Love the attitude, I need that more! "I am your wife, WE make decisions together" why is that such a challenge?

LaLaLaaa's picture

hahah!! I LOVE it!! Yes! he can relate to this cuz he Always says 'we are a married couple now and we make all decisions together" thats why I was caught by surprise when I heard him saying Yes...

So hopefully he reacted too fast to her Q and just agreed....and will today realize what a dumb idea that would be....OR there will be trouble!
Oh and ..Love the attitude!! Wink

boogeymom's picture

Oh, man, I love dogs and would have 13 of them if I could, but know your limits! 2 is mine, and I love both of them more than I love most humans, but I also don't have kids of my own, and the skids are older, not babies! That is a lot for you to handle! I'll admit, I was the one who bought the Chihuahua and sprung him on DH (even though we weren't living together yet or married at the time), but I also took care of him and paid for all his vet bills, food, etc., and he's pretty low-maintenance overall. When we got the Bernese, we researched for YEARS before we bought her because we both love large breed dogs, but needed the conditions to be perfect before we got one. They can't just get any breed, either, they have to take into consideration a lot of factors. Space, availability they BOTH have to walk it regularly, if they can afford a puppy with all the things a puppy needs, etc. Not to mention the actual breed characteristics. Bernese Mountains are known for being loyal, gentle, easy to train, good-tempered dogs, and they don't have dominant personality traits, so we knew she would be fine with our Alpha-male Chihuahua (another thing your DH and SD need to think about...will this dog get along with the dog who already lives with you and who was there first). We looked at MANY other breeds before landing on a Berner. All things to consider when looking at that "cute dog." Plus with your baby on the way...getting up 18 times a night between a baby and a puppy...that's a NO!!!!

noidea1010's picture

I'm a huge dog lover, seriously. I really mean the big ones too. My big guy comes to my hip when he sits and I'm 6' with a 36" inseam. I love him to pieces. Will always have a dog, most likely a big one.

HOWEVER, like previous poster, you need to know your limits. Big dogs NEED training and lots of it. Little dogs do too, but when they act out, you can pick them up. Try picking up a 100+ dog when it's misbehaving. My dog could kick my ass if he wanted to, but I'm his Momma and there is nothing he wouldn't do for me. I've had him in training since he was about 4 months old and he still gets in trouble when he starts to act out. He'll be 5 years old soon.

I would love to have a second dog, but I know that I don't have the time to put that training into a second dog right now. If I didn't have my big guy, I would make time, but there's the difference...I do have him. When I was first training him, there was someone in my training classes with a baby on the way, all I thought was...OMG how can she do it?! Granted, my dog is awesome. He might hit SO in the balls with his tail from time to time, but who's to say that's not because SO pissed off his Momma? }:)

I did tons of research on breeds too, what was good with kids, but protective, etc etc. AND I made sure that I could exercise the dog enough. Certain breeds need a lot more exercise then others.

Ok, off the rant on dogs, on to 13 year olds. SO got SD12 a cat, because "he promised her one and you're the one who told me to keep my promises". What BS. He's a cat guy too. We had been dating for awhile, but basically told me it wasn't any of my concern. Umm...ok. (yeah, the fact that I will not sleep here without my dog, makes it my concern." We don't live together. So he got her one in Feb. She really could care less about this cat now. She will lock it out of her room so it won't bother her. I, on the other hand, will lock it in her room. It's her cat, it's her problem. I should not be the one dealing with it. My dog actually does well with the cat now, but the cat is a major pain in the ass. I still call it PITA (pain in the ass). So the moral of that long rant is, just because she's 13, should understand responsibility, doesn't mean that you won't be the one dealing with it. I love your statement about it going back and forth with SD. Wish I could say that with the cat, but then again, that might backfire on me. They cat might come to MY house when they stay here.

boogeymom's picture

Aww, what kind of dog do you have? I'm DYING for an Irish Wolfhound, but I will have to start training IMMEDIATELY when I get one (a long way off, but someday) because I'm 5'2" and that dog would eventually probably come up to my shoulders, LOL! I would always love to have a giant and a toy breed, just because it's funny. Wink There are so many breeds I like. A Brussels Griffon is DEFINITELY happening in the future. Same with a Newfoundland.