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Weird dream last night!

Ladystark's picture

Had a weird-kinda physical dream- cant share it with dh because i punch ss12 in the face!

Well a couple things caused this dream:

One- we finished ss desk over the weekend and got it in his room. While dh was breaking down the boxes, i tried to hurry up and get his school supplies thrown in there so i would not have to hear any dumb stuff from ss. Didnt happen. I got all his school supplies in a bag, as im walking up stairs he comes in the door. He realizes where im headed and follows me..errr... then his mouth starts. "My desk is done? Great, to bad i wont use it, can i put this on it? Can i put that on it? Ughhh do i have to have a folding chair? Can i get another chair? Do we have another chair here?blah blah blah"

Im glad he is excited about it. The main thing i say to him is this desk is not for trash like his dresser. Of course he wanted me to explain to him what i considered trash! Seriously im not getting in to an argument about what is trash, and im not standing there while he picks up stuff asking "is this trash?" I dipped on him mid sentence because he cant stop till i get rude to him, and if im going to be rude might as well not have rude words he can twist up. Walking away is faster.

I think thats why i wanted to punch him in the face so bad i dreamed it.

Two- i was trying out some new hard cider flavors...and then we watched some movie on tv, people fighting chasing each other, kind of low budget.

Anyway the parts i remember from the dream i was in the kitchen-but it was my old kitchen from when i was a kid- im cutting up watermelon sort of happy. Then there is this loud BANG. Then im out infront of mall dealing with ss and him crashing the car, im so mad, he starts getting in my face, yelling its my fault, but i was not in that car! I think i yell something about video games, he shoves me and i punch him in the face...then hands are on me and i wake up.

I dont have these dreams watching little women of L.A. and drinking, to bad i cant get dh into watching reality tv and drinking. The closest i get is he will watch my big fat gypsie wedding with me sometimes.


TwoOfUs's picture

I've had oddly violent dreams involving skids before. It's strange because I know I would never do any of the things I've dreamed about..but clearly something in my subconscious want to hurt the little darlings.

Ladystark's picture

I think its cause i have to stifle telling him to shut his pie hole. I also am trying very hard to ignore him, but its hard the things he says sometimes! I get so angry i cant put him in his place! He thinks his place is above everybody, and with him hanging out more with the kids in the neighborhood, his mouth has become worse.

And i was stewing on the fact he thought it was fine, to hold up trash and very sarcastic and with that voice that im dumb ask me "is this trash?" If i had done that to my mother id be eating the trash i stuck in her face!

Or she would do something crazy and id never ask her whats trash again!