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Parenting at its finest

Daisymazy2's picture

Yesterday, I blogged that SD had thrown a chair at the school and the police were called.  SD was just suspended from school for a few days (AGAIN).

SD's story:

SD and a boy were flirting with each other and playing around.  SD accidentally poured juice on the boy.  The boy punched her in the face and knocked her out of the chair.  She threw the chair at the boy.  The teacher only saw where she threw the chair.

School's story:

Three adults were in the room and they only saw SD throwing the chair.  They did not see the incident were SD was punched or pushed out of the chair.   Keep in mind that SD is in private school and there are only a handul of students in each class.  It isn't like the teacher is watching 20 or more students.  It is more like 5 or 6 kids.  I would think that with 3 adults in a small room they would have been able to hear and see the boy jump up, punch SD in the face, and  see and hear SD fall out of the chair. 

Bm informed DH that she doesn't believe the adults at the school.  SD must be right.  There isn't any marks on SD face to show she was punched.  Every single time SD gets in trouble at school, it is ALWAYS the schools fault.  It is never SD's fault.  

At the last school,  SD was in an altercation with a boy.  SD's story was different than the other 20 or adults and students that so the incident but SD's story was correct according to BM

At the group home,  SD says she was jumped by a girl for "NO REASON".  The adults in charge and the other girls had a totally different story but Sd's story was correct according to BM

I could go on and on and on with the times that SD has been in trouble at school. It is a conspiracy everyone just hates her and blames her for everything.  She is so innocent.  

Interesting fact,  both parents will say that she lies so much it is hard to believe a word she says.  When she gets in trouble at school or lies about other things,  her parents will believe her.  




justmakingthebest's picture


That is so delusional. This girl is obviously crying for REAL help. Not 2 days and then sent back into the same situations over and over again. It kills me that her parents can't accept that something is wrong with her.

Daisymazy2's picture

She has been doing this since I first came into her life.  She was around 6 years old.  It has been an ongoing cycle.  She has put herself in serious danger so many times .

advice.only2's picture

I really hope you and DH have separate finances, because when SD does something that she can and will be sued for, they will go after the parents money and whatever assets, retirements, etc. that they can.

Daisymazy2's picture

We do have separate finances.  

Letti.R's picture

Sounds pretty much like my exSD.
I ended up here after  SD slapped me because I was going to marry her father...

Well, SD had a few run ins at school: punched a fellow classmate, beat up a younger student and BM said it wasn't SD's fault.
When my then SO tried to get psychological help for SD, her mother refused because her "child wasn't crazy"!
At this point in my step-parent crazy-train ride, I stopped and got off the train.

SD went on to punch a teacher in the face, breaking her glasses and cutting her face which resulted in a stint in juvinile detention.
Last I heard there were criminal charges for being tried as an adult, but Mommy-dearest, CP, won't hear a word about her little sweetums...
Her father is powerless to do anything.

It won't get better, Daizymazy2.
Not when it is someone else's fault and the kid can do no wrong.

CLove's picture

Her behavior will only get worse with time, not better, especially if momee dearest continues to support her lies. Because she is not recieving repercussions.

My Sd20 when she was younger got away with stealing and lies, and disrespectful behavior. This allowed her to become what she is today - lies upon more lies, unfounded accusations, check forgery (hence my moniker for her Feral Forger).

I dont feel bad for her, Child of Divorce - her self-imposed victimhood.

bananaseedo's picture

I kind of feel you need to preface your posts because it's not that she's just an effed up kid-she has a mental health disorder of bipolar.  As far as I knew you mentioned the mom was the only one trying to get her help and even telling your dh about it and HE didn't believe it was that bad.

I do find it odd because you also said her mom didn't even really believe the rape accusations but she believes the school?  It could very well be-because a lot of times parents with a disordered kid will go back/forth between recognizing and then denial as they shrink back into strict survival mode.