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Ladystark's picture

Im soooo irritated.

Dh was working late.

He called to tell me he might have to grab dinner, eat without him.

Ok no prob.

I was not feeling like making dinner anyway, baby girls congestion is breaking up so she has had a runny snot face all day...she has been between trying to play and fussy.

Ss comes down, and as im telling him the dinner situation, his friends come to the door. Its 6pm. He asks to eat when he comes back in. I say yeah, come back about 7:20ish.

So when dh comes home he tells me ss called him and asked him if he could ride bikes with his friends, and to be back by 8pm.

I said "hmm thats funny, i told him to be back by 720...but i guess he did not feel the need to tell you that. Sounds like he did not even talk to me."

Dh "no he called me and asked if he could ride somewhere with his friends, then i said its getting kind of late? Well be back by 8pm." "He said ok" thats it.. i did not know you told him anything, you did not tell me these NEW rules...

Me " whoa! No new rules, and you dont think him not telling you that i said 720 is weird? That he did not tell you that?"

Then he gets all pissy starts going on about how im arguing with him after his long day at work.

Ughhh i do not want to argue! I do not even want to talk, deal with, or be around ss!! Like get a clue man, no one wants to argue, im informing you of what i said! he is in defend ss mode, then i go into defend myself mode.

So we kind of go silent- im irritated by other things dh says, then ss walks in, dh says when "we talked on the phone and i said 8pm that would have been a nice time to tell me mrs stark said a different time." Ss-ok....

Thats it then he starts making baby noises at babygirl. I go upstairs to just get away from both of them.

As im upstairs ss-in a lowtone- says something to dh. Dh says something but all i hear is "she is bentoutta shape over the time" when she tells you something thats it, you need to listen. I hear ss "uh but dont you over rule her? Your in charge of me right?"

Dh- pause- that is true but when i have to work late you have to listen to her, what she says goes. (Or something like that) then i hear a HUFFY PUFFY SIGHout of ss. Then a irritated okaayyy...

Omg. Did he not just tell me "ss would be missing teeth" the other day when my son sighed because he had to wait longer??

All i know is i learned a very big lesson, do not tell ss a damn thing- only words i will utter- what did your dad say? Call your dad.

Im over this lack of communication. Im over kids rule the roost, and im over dh thinking ss is innocent and knows nothing.

There was no reason to argue at all. He could have been like- yeah he should have said something i will talk to him. Boom done. No he has to mock me, "oh so now what? should i take all his games away?"

Ugh grown man baby...


BethAnne's picture

Well you know how to brew up a good storm. Of course the boy didn't say he had to be in earlier, what kid would? Good on dad for correcting him and telling him how it goes in the future. Your husband did a good job, you need to ease up on him and his son then maybe he will ease up on you and yours. I hope you thank your husband for backing you up with his son and clearing up who is in charge.

Your relationship sounds like one long battle where you are both competing for reasons to be annoyed with each other or the boys. It must be exhausting. If you want things to change then I suspect that professional help may be the best option.

Acratopotes's picture

Lessons learned - next time simply tell SS - Ask your Dad....

or you simply pick up the phone and call DH, simply tell DH - SS asked me this and that I think you should answer him, you are on speaker phone - then say SS now you can ask your |Dad and we both will know the answer..

FieryEscape's picture

This is where I'd tell my DH that either SS listens to me when I am in charge or he finds someone else to watch him. Having your authority undermined sucks, the kid needs to learn respect . And your DH needs to stand as a united front with you and not get pissy when you have an issue with his kid.

thinkthrice's picture


askYOURdad's picture

Meh, dh didn't know you told him earlier, sounds like he tried to address it after the fact, maybe not the way you would have but at least he put forth some effort to smooth it over and state that what you say goes.

Ladystark's picture

I do not care if ss is out of the house, better for me!! Dh started getting on him about getting home because of school. His grades are bad. I thought i was helping out...oh well...

Being best friends with ss is more important than anything.

Weeks ago with all this bad grade talk, we were eating dinner, dh starts talking to ss about math. Ss starts looking irritated and mad, so dh changed the subject to the birthday party ss was going to. Cant have little baby leaving table mad at him...

Ladystark's picture

After everything, we talked and he said for me to write down house rules...i told him not unless they are OUR house rules. If i write up -some- he needs to contribute. And he must follow through or whats the point. Im not going to have pointless rules hanging up.

Yes dh tried to recover with his convo, but to me its becoming meaning-less. His words have no weight. They way he was saying that stuff to ss was in a light "ok buddy" voice.

The phrase actions speak louder than words...i think im so tired of no action...just words...

Thank you for comments and yes- i will only udder the words call dad from now on....also to dh it will be call ss...because sometimes i feel thats how he ropes me in on the phone asking me about ss hw or if he is got him a phone call him... ask him...

Yes i feel like crap for that dumb argument, im still kicking myself, why did i give him a time? Whhyyy?!

I hope this mom group works out, i just need my own meeting nextweek i hope to find out more about playdates. I should be an offical member now.