I have two Skids SD15 and SS14(angel). SD15 is TRYING to create animosity between me and my DH (her dad). The BM and SD always try to split us up usually when BM is not happy. Me and my DH have noticed a pattern : It always happens when her mother the BM does not have a man in her life!! SD comes over with attitude especially towards me and because I treat her in the same way she treats me she does not like it and goes back to her Mom who in turn calls my DH saying that I do not like the SD. DH is on my side as he knows this is not true! Ladies - do you think the mom is partly putting her up to this when she is unhappy and not in a relationship - as I said earlier when the mom has a man in her life the daughter is totally different and nice!
Look forward to your comments.
- Lady London's blog
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Hey! I have a SD too (2 in
I have a SD too (2 in fact) but the youngest is a sweetie whilst the oldest is quite to herself and can be mean and rude. She ignores me completely and is quite rude to her Dad when he's the best Dad ever. I have noticed that she has this immense loyalty towards her Mum and she's even mentioned a couple of times to my husband that he curses her Mum and shown hate towards him and said he doesn't love them because he married me. All this of course ideas her Mum put into her head. Now to your question: when this woman, the BM, had a man in her life (twice already) she was better as in happier and left us alone, no looking for info about us, no criticising, no lying about her ex, quiet and nice. The moment they left her though she started again and the girls just listen to all her ranting and crazy lies so it affects them of course.
She's being, like all this crazy ex wives, a selfish and bad person and Mum, she should be thinking about her daughter having a good relationship with her Dad but probably can't stand you guys being happy and is in scorn and jealous. Using the daughter is the worst thing but like I said kids feel loyalty towards their parents, especially their Mum as they live with her and who knows what she's told her about you, yous SD probably thinks you hate her because her Mum tells her!! I would talk to her one day and tell her you have nothing against her and would never come between her Dad and herself. But don't be over-nice either, they notice that and resent you, because you try to win them over.
I spoke to my SDs once honestly and things were much better since. I told them honestly what I felt and I think they understood. But of course their Mum still hates me and they always will be a bit confused.
The BM doesn't need to do any of this when happy but when she's unhappy she needs to fill her life with some drama and probably looks around and those she envies most and at the life she used to have and lost, her ex, it's horrible but true! at least your husband understands!!
Oh by the way the other
Oh by the way the other comment is right 100 % our husband should tell his daughter that he would never go back with BM even if you weren't around, my husband said that to his kids many times, and explained thoroughly that I wasn't the reason he's not with her, that even if I left him or we broke up they wouldn't be together as they've always had problems that they can't understand etc - so to make it clear you have nothing to do with it
ASTER - Thanks your comments
ASTER - Thanks your comments are taken on board and I agree with your assumption totally...Thank you again PS he has told his daughter there is never any going back to the BM.
No worries!! it really is
No worries!! it really is terrible to have to deal with children which are being manipulated and used by their Mums to get to their ex-husbands. It's unbelievable the lengths they'd go to just to get their 'revenge' - I think it pleases the BM greatly that her daughter is a pain in the axx.
Also, you are 100 % right, this always happens when they're lonely. When my husband's ex had a boyfriend we heard nothing from her, it was fantastic, girls were fine as they heard nothing either (when she bad-mouths my husband she does in front of them etc) but as soon as they left or something (I know she's obssesed with finding a man since she realised we were getting married and he was never going back) she goes back to normal. I think it's jealousy and hate, it's stronger than them (it's an EGO thing), especially if they've been left: think about it, they're left with the children, they see their ex-man with another lady, happy, having a better life and there she is, shit life and eating herself up, possibly going over what she did wrong to lose him and what life could've been. Kids probably remind her of him and she can't stand it, so how hurt him? through the kids. And especially get rid of you on the way, drive u mad etc. Her daughter can't help feeling loyalty that I understand but she probably doesn't know half the truth - I'm SURE her Mum tells her lies about you and things to stir up.... the daugther then gets reminded of the fact their parents are not together (which always hurt a kid) and she focuses all hate on you as if you were the cause of it all (she might think 'damn if it wasn't for this woman my parents would be together and my Mum wouldn't be rabbit rabbit on my ear all day and I'd be in peace').
Every time I hear my SDs say something rude like 'I hate your girlfriend and you' (that was before) or 'My Mum is prettier than you' I know it's their Mum speaking through them, it's her feelings and I feel sorry for them.
I spoke to them and told them their Dad loved them loads, that I'd never get in between, that I didn't want to be their best friend or Mum but just be there if they need something and that I understood it must be difficult, that I would suffer too if my parents got divorced. They seemed much more relaxed and happy after that.
Let me know how it goes!!
love xx
Dorothy: DH is blaming his
Dorothy: DH is blaming his daughters teenage hormones on her beh, he cant see that I am being singled out he thinks she is generally got an attitude with both of us. SD ignores me and talks to her dad even though shes abrupt she still talks to him. DH cant see that BM is more likely feeding her with crap in order to ruin our relationship. DH did say I am to treat SD exactly how she treats me or she wont learn - he has adopted this way with her too lately. Shes not use to me being dominant with her and I had to wait 2 years before I felt comfortable to do so. Shes so arrogant to me she does not even say hello or goodbeye when she arrives and never thanks me for anything hence have told her I aint putting up with your cheek no more.
I know EXACTLY what you're
I know EXACTLY what you're saying. I've experienced the same thing...It frustrates me to no end that DH doesn't see things that are obvious and doesn't stand up for me. But I have some bad news...it doesn't matter whether or not BM is with someone. BM and skids will play these games. We've experienced BM with someone, without someone (trying to make our lives miserable), with someone, and finally married again (#3) and still we have experienced her trying to make everyone miserable. She's probably going to be miserable again with someone and in that time, she will want everyone around her miserable and will use the skids, too. (We've experienced using the skids.) Its good advice to tell DH to explain that this is not the skids fault (divorce) and DEFINITELY not yours! Reminders of this are good, too. However, if you're having problems communicating with DH and him not seeing things that are happening between you and the skids, I would suggest counseling. Sometimes, they don't hear what we say, but will listen the minute an outsider tells them the same thing. It's soooooo frustrating, but it's the truth. And it will help all your relationships, too.
I think it may be the SD vs.
I think it may be the SD vs. the BM as the SD might blame you for the dad not being there as much, especially if you and the dad have children. This can create a sense of resentment and blame which eventually falls on the stepmom. Something, I believe stepmoms are just an easy target for the stepkids.
Thanks! but I do not have
Thanks! but I do not have kids of my own and I am not the first partner he has had since leaving the freekshow of a BM ha ha ha Sometimes I just want out and I may do one day - would never get involved with a man with baggage again
I sometimes think that too...
I sometimes think that too... but then I love him so
Thanks MilitaryStepmom. Why
Thanks MilitaryStepmom. Why are the majority of BM,s so bitter and twisted - even when they re marry they are still manipulating situations and using children agains the new wifes of their ex's. Why cant they be happy with their new man new lives????
I have NO idea, Lady London.
I have NO idea, Lady London. I think if I knew the secret to that mystery, I'd be a very rich lady! And the world would be a much happier place! (me included) My BM has made it her personal quest to make my life hell. Some of this has unfortunately rubbed off on the skids and now they think this is a fun game, too. Why can't the world be like the Brady Bunch? (LOL) I guess something bad would have to happen to the previous parent, so that "probably" wouldn't be a good thing!
Just kidding!!!
Lady London, your husband
Lady London, your husband should shut BM down when she calls complaining about you. He shouldn't even entertain her conversation since he is fully aware of what is happening or what isn't happening in his house.
Yes but unfortunately for me
Yes but unfortunately for me I have a weak man who likes to keep everyone happy without any animosity! That said, he is fully aware of the BMs antics!
My SD hoped for years that
My SD hoped for years that her parents would get back together--even though her dad stated (many times) that he would never go back to her mother. In the early years of our relationship (we have been together over 10 years now), I even broke up with him because of his daughter and ex wife, but when we got back together, I told SD that her dad had every chance to go back to her mom, but he didn't want to. Right before we got married earlier this year, I found out that BM was asking the kids "if I get rid of XXX (her husband at that point...did I mention she is getting divorced again...from hubby #5!)...do you think your dad will take me back?" She is destroying these kids minds with that kind of crap! And this is just the tip of the iceberg!!
I just have to say "Thank You" to my daughter's step mom! She is a treasure! My daughter doesn't really have much of a relationship with her dad, but it would be nonexisitant if it weren't for the hard work that her stepmom has put in! They (my daughter and her stepmom) have a pretty good relationship and that makes me so happy! I don't even talk with my ex, I only deal with her because she is just that great!!!
WOW - you sound just like the
WOW - you sound just like the BM/EX I would dream of having - thanks for your comments!!!
I guess when you have to deal
I guess when you have to deal with BM like the one my skids have...and being a BM myself...I just want better for my daughter. I didn't want her to feel like she had to choose between us, and I didn't want her to think that she wasn't allowed to love her. I want my daughter to love her stepmom just like I want her to love her stepdad (DH). Why should I try to take away that love that her stepmom has for her, to take away that wonderful feeling of being loved by so many people? I guess there are BM's out there that are so insecure in their relationship with their kids that they can't allow anyone else be there for the kids. I'm just lucky!!!
hello I wish you were my
hello I wish you were my skids bm that would make life so much easier.