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Us trying for a baby & BM is pregnant with her 3rd baby by 3 different men.

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Yes, you read the title right. We have been trying to get pregnant for over a year with no luck and just found out BM is pregnant with her 3rd.

She isn't even a good mother to the 2 she already has (with 2 different men, both of whom she was never married to). A year ago she went away to a 6 month rehab facility 6 hours away and left SD with us, and her son with her parents. Our daughter was 2 1/2 at the time. Since she has been back she hasn't really gotten her life together, she only just got a 'real' job, moved out of her parents house into a house with her new husband (they got married almost 1 month ago), and now claims she got pregnant on her wedding night. Has this broad never heard of birth control?

I honestly think she got pregnant this fast just so she could beat us. We've been married just over 2 years and everyone keeps asking when we will have one so I'm sure she knew it would be coming soon. She has no clue we've been trying already.

I just don't understand how she doesn't realize this is one of the most selfish things she could have done. She was finally getting settled with her children and they were just getting used to living without their grandparents, and with a new man around all the time, and she thinks it's a good idea to get knocked up again? She can hardly handle having our daughter 50% of the time and her son almost full time and now she's going to add a baby to the equation?

How can I be the stepmother and feel like I actually care more about her BD's well being then she does? It's hard not to laugh in her face when she exclaims for the umpteenth time "I'm a good mom!!" Usually a "good mom" knows who her daughter's doctor is and doesn't have to text stepmom when dad and stepmom are out of town on vacation to ask.