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Grrrrr I 'mini' exploded at SD (first time)

kiwi's picture

After her requesting homemade chicken burgers for tea and me checking exactly what she likes in them, I proceded to make them. Knowing what was to come I subtly watched her eating, I noticed her picking at it and asked her to stop picking and just eat. She started with an excuse about how the cheese wasn't right. So, I interupted her and said of COURSE I didn't make it right cause that was ALWAYS the case and I was sick and tired of spending all my time cooking for her to just have her complain. Then, the tears started and DH in effect told me off for yelling at her which caused an argument which ended with me mentioning double standards for discipline. I think he realised what I meant cause he sent her to bed with no tea. Then he requested I go in to her and 'make up'. As much as I didn't want to I went and kissed her goodnight and told her I still loved her. Stuck in the throat a bit but I managed it!!! It is soooooo hard being the bigger person.


Most Evil's picture

This sounds like a power struggle with SD. I am glad you said something, so she can become aware, you will not be manipulated! hope it works! Smile
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.

William Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra", Act 2 scene 2

Pantera's picture

I recently stopped cooking and told DH to do it. Now there are no problems at dinner because "dinner is perfect and daddy is the best cook in the world". I think the cooking thing happens alot with stepparents. There was a post similar to this the other day. At least your husband sent her to bed with no tea.

Selkie's picture

The yelling part isn't the greatest, but who here never yells? I really like how you connected with her later. That says a lot about your character and your relationship with her.