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kayjay117's Blog

Guilty fathers never get it!!!

kayjay117's picture

I'm an old member who hasn't posted in years mainly because I live separately from DH, who was and still is a guilty parent. I need my safe haven and peace of mind too much to go back to living under those circumstances...the Skids haven't changed one bit and DH's expectations are still non-existent. They're just older, more dependent and more useless.

Glad I ran across this article just in case I ever get the notion...guilty fathers and their supporters just don't get it...even where murder is involved...check it out especially this line near the end:

Forget what I knew when I married. I know better now.

kayjay117's picture

I moved into my own home with my DS9 Jan 15th. Recall, while I was living with DH he didn't want me to know anything about his financial situation nor did he want my financial help. He wouldn't discuss anything with me. DH hasn't lost his job but he may not work for weeks at a time with no pay so finances are tightening up for him.

Can't win for losing

kayjay117's picture

I recently posted about how I felt my 5 1/2 month old marriage was railroaded before it began. How DH shuts me out of everything, never worked with me to establish my rightful place in our household, parented his sons (14 & 16) without rules, expectations, boundaries nor consequences for innapropriate behaviour, etc. etc. Well, I moved out yesterday. I didn't tell DH the exact day I planned to move but I told him enough so that if he paid any attention he could have figured it out. I've read somewhere that the most dangerous time for a woman is when she is trying to leave a SO.

New to the group. Railroaded from the start.

kayjay117's picture

I'm new to the group. I’ve been lurking but I’ve finally decided to post. Sorry, it’s kind of long. My DH and I married 8/1/08. I have a nine year old son. I uprooted our entire lives, put my house up for sale and moved across town. DH wouldn’t consider moving because his two sons (14 &16) didn’t want to change schools. I agreed to move under the condition that we try to sale his house as soon as mine sold in order to purchase “OUR” house. He went back on his word when my house sold in September and I feel trapped.