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Name Change

Karma_'s picture

I have decided to change my name because BestOutta3 reminded me I am my husbands third wife every time I read it.

Have you ever noticed how peoples level of respect for a wife reduces with each marriage.... "Oh, so you're his THIRD wife? Do you have any children together? No? So he just had kids with his first two wives? Ok...."

I live my life based on the principals of Karma;
1. What goes around comes around.
2. Treat people they way you wish to be treated.
3. Ask the universe for help and it will come.
4. Do good things for people without expecting thanks or payment and good things will happen to you.
5. The perfect thing will happen in it's own perfect time.
6. EVERYTHING happens for a reason although that reason may not become clear for a long time to come. Just have faith.


doglover1's picture

coming from wife to be soon number 3!!! right on!

Karma_'s picture

Being my husbands' third wife does not make me third rate.

It just means my husband is a slow leaner }:)

FavSM's picture

I changed my name to bc it was my real name and I was afraid BM would find the site, but I went with FavSM bc for my bday my 2 SS made me a bday cake that said "to our favorite stepmom". I love your new name I agree with with the principles of karma, great choice!!!!

Nymh's picture

One of my friends is soon to be marrying a man who has been married 3 times before. Everyone loves to point out to her the statistics on fourth marriages. It's something like a 17% success rate. She hates that, of course! Who wouldn't! The most important thing is that they are in love and they are dedicated to making their relationship work for THEM. And neither of them want kids together either, which no one understands. She just doesn't want kids and he has two children with two different women (who he never gets to see, EVER).

Love the new name Smile

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Chel Bell's picture

I almost had to legally change my first name, as it is almost the same as BM's as if things could not be any worse, right? She got on a kick of bringing up the similarity alot, and then tried to get the skids to call me by it. What a freak, then I started getting phone calls for "her", and credit card offers w/ her name on them. I called her out on it, and started using my middle name for everything, just in case, I did not know what she was hoping to accomplish, when it was brought up to her and I told her it would be brought up in court, she stopped. It was stupid. Now we have our own special name for her. :)~ " I started out clean, now, I'm jaded"~ Rob Thomas, Matchbox 20

Nymh's picture

Seems that BMs love to point out all the similarities (whether real or just perceived by BM) between them and the new SM. That just gets on my nerves so bad!

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

sassymom's picture

too but I know I'm the best my husband has ever had. I do hate the percentages people like to throw at you, so every year on our anniversary my husband and i celebrate conquering another year and planning for many more to come.

"God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers." -- A Jewish Proverb

sassymom's picture

too but I know I'm the best my husband has ever had. I do hate the percentages people like to throw at you, so every year on our anniversary my husband and i celebrate conquering another year and planning for many more to come.

"God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers." -- A Jewish Proverb

Katy's picture

I'm loving your Karma rules. I've tried living by the same rules and it has stopped me from doing a lot of stupid stuff to my hubby's ex gf. I'm his second wife and we have no kids together, yet he has kids (3 boys) with his ex-wife and a lil girl with that crazy woman his ex-gf. Although we will never have kids, so I will never know what it's like to have a child of my own, I treat the kids with the up most respect. I totally understand where you're coming from when they ask you about kids, I get asked that same question all the time, the only thing is that my husband told me that we would have them, then 1 year into our marriage he changed his mind. I'm 14years his junior and I don't think it's fair to me but hey I'm still here and I believe that #3. Ask the universe for help and it will come, is right on! so is #4. Do good things for people without expecting thanks or payment and good things will happen to you. Good Karma to you karmaqueen and no worries you may be #3 but the 3rd time is always the charm.=)