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kalle0106's picture

Sad I have 2 kids, boy 24, girl 28, my H has 4 kids, boys 19, 25, & 31, girl 28. I have a loving, close relationship with my 2 kids and 3 of his 4. We have been married 19 yrs. and 4 years ago after 4 years in the Army out of state and 2 in college out of state his oldest moved back home just until "he found a job and got back on his feet". That was 4 years ago and now he's 31 and shows no signs of leaving any time soon. He nets about $3500-$4000 per mo and pays us $300 of it monthly, he also uses our utilities, food, laundry products and more toilet paper than any man I've ever known. He has issues, his mother left him with his father at age 3 mo. and had a substance abuse problem which rendered her terminally ill and finally killed her one week before Mother's Day when he was just 13. I felt so helpless because he only wanted his dad and I felt so sorry for him I couldn't keep from crying myself half the time, I really do love him. I didn't want to step on his toes because we had just married, so I left all the discipline to his father and only tattled when he was doing something that could hurt him in some way and always treated him with respect and love just like the rest of our kids. He has a huge "you're not my mom" chip on his shoulder, he's angry, grouchy, creepy, mean, sneaky, and basically gives me the willies. When his father is away overnight I sleep with my bedroom door locked and a loaded gun on the nightstand because he seems very unstable and I am scared of him. My husband knows this, sees it for himself, admits it to me, but won't do anything to help solve the problem. He won't say anything to his son that might make him sad, mad or hurt because he blames himself for not being a good enough father. Always believes every word he says. While dad's at work he'll have a conversation with me only if he has something to tell me about how he let some guy at work have it, or about the guy on the highway that he flipped off, what he was welding at work, including little diagrams and pictures and I listen intently every time with a smile on my face because I don't want to be all pissy on the day he finally decides to treat me like a human being. He has one chore, take the garbage out. Kitchen, bathroom, laundry room. He does the kitchen one only, I do the other 2 and his dad, who is almost 60, works 70 hrs. a week and has inoperable liver cancer takes it to the curb. He has never shown me any respect, if he has a problem with me or otherwise, it's handled behind a closed door with his dad only and I never hear a word about the progress, outcome, etc. Left completely in the dark about his life, but he does let me clean the bathroom he uses, the dishes he eats off of, and he has no problem eating the food that we buy and I cook (with enough leftovers for him to take in his lunch). We have disagreed often over the years and every time I bring it to his father's attn. he lies, going so far as to look at me like I'm crazy and say to his dad "I have no clue what she's talking about dad, sorry, I didn't do/say that, and has a time or 2 turned to me and said 'Shut up K, you don't even know what you're saying" and then look sheepishly at his father as if begging him to make me stop abusing him. And then acts like it never happened so all dad sees is me 50 shades of pissed and him just fine and dandy, not his problem. It makes me want to puke, but not as bad as when I ask my husband what he's going to do about it and he says "I asked him if he did/said it and he said NO, what am I supposed to do?" UMMMM believe your wife, the other parent, 1/2 of the supposed parental team. haha I have bipolar disorder and when medicated do pretty well, except for the SS, he knows exactly which buttons to push, finds every trigger I have, and quietly, so all dad sees is me crying and upset and still H has NEVER one time believed me over him, or supported me in any way. After a blowout like this I end up in the bedroom crying and I hear him engaging his father in jovial conversation and laughter at a higher volume than usual, in the living room where he rarely sits down with us and I KNOW he wants me to hear that he and dad are doing just ducky while i'm crying my eyes out, and dad goes right along. He says that now he believes that SS was causing problems and in the same breath makes 100+ excuses for him and has never apologized to me for the hurt that this caused me all these years. I don't think I should be forced to live with a disrespectful, scary, sneaky 31 year old who makes, not only enough to support himself, but enough to buy a home, we never could, we had 6 kids and couldn't afford it. And then complains to my daughter, the only other of all his siblings who has a relationship with him, the other kids see him also for what he is and don't really like spending time with him either, that he hates living here, it's embarrassing, can't walk in the kitchen to get a drink without somebody looking at him, or talking to him. I was just preparing to tell my H that I couldn't do it any more, I loved him and didn't want to leave but I couldn't live with that kid for one more minute and he came home from his Dr. appt. with the news that he needs radiation and a liver transplant or he won't live a year. What a jerk I would be if I left now. And SS is a sympathy addict, nobody can feel sorry for him enough to please him, it's always poor me and now he's milking it for all it's worth...So......any advice? Please? I'll listen.


kalle0106's picture

I just did, well I told H to do it since he caused most of the problem by not putting his foot down sooner. Thanks so much, those 3 little words of yours sounded like music to my desperate ears.

robin333's picture

Ok, what happens if DH doesn't get that liver transplant? Will SS assume he will still be living with you? Are you renting or own the home?

Stop cleaning anything of his, especially his bathroom. Stop making enough food for him and his lunch the next day. Stop doing anything for him.

Talk with DH and let him know that SS has over stayed his welcome by 3.5 years and that you are not going to be sleeping with a gun at bedside any longer and that SS has 30 days to leave or you will.

kalle0106's picture

Gosh". I hope not. If that happens, heaven forbid, I'll be outta here faster than Usain Bolt! No regrets. Thanks for your concern and great advice. I really do feel a lot better already. Wish I knew about this years ago!

kalle0106's picture

Writing this blog gave me the nerve to speak to DH (is that dad/husband? I don't yet know the lingo. Lol). And I said exact words that he overstayed his welcome by 3 1/2 years and that I was finished. Also told him that I was planning to leave before he got sick and that I want to stay with him in my own house and that he'd have to talk to SS. He was very attentive and understanding so I'll just wait, I guess, to see what happens.. Thanks so much for the suggestions, you were all spot on in your advice. I will be back, I'm sure this isn't over yet, that would be too easy after all these years, huh?

robin333's picture

Hooray! I am glad you told DH (dear husband, sometimes d*ck head) what you needed.

Now, stay strong and follow through.

LikeMinded's picture

I'm so sorry you are going through this. Many of us are counting down the days until the SKIDS turn 18... ithinking naiviely that we will then be free, lol!

I agree, he needs to move out, and it sounds like you're talking with DH about it. You're doing the right thing.

I have no advice, except perhaps to rent "Failure to Launch" with DH and laugh together. Pehraps it will help DH to see that it's time.

Good luck.


still learning's picture

I went through a much short stint of this with my step son who is 30. DH and I almost divorced over it but I made it clear that it was him or me in the house. I was not married to ss30, would not baby, take care of and clean up after an unemployed pothead grown man. It got worse before it got better but I can now say that ss lives with mommy, not here. 99% of his crap is at her house too. I talked DH into giving ss some of the stuff he left here for xmas }:)

DaizyDuke's picture

The ADULT MAN is bringing home $4000.00 a month, there is no reason the ADULT MAN can not get an apartment! What are his reasons for wanting to continue to stay with you.. or has nobody ever actually asked him? Is he like the elephant in the room? Does he have some type of PTSD from his Army service? Why is he being treated like such a child and acting like such a child???