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Is there any possibility that this will work...

justthegirlfriend13's picture

or am I just daydreaming? I've posted before about me not living with BF of 4 years due to the kids and the fact that I have 2 senior dogs to take care of and BF does not have a fence around his property. I also refuse to give up everything that I own and work for in my own house to move into someone else's as a roommate, particularly when I have no say over anything re: the kids.

I've just been so sad lately because I'm lonely and really feel like my relationship is a casual dating one instead of a committed relationship that progresses along as it gets longer. My BF will not stay at my house for multiple reasons, which is fine but I can't really spend a lot of time at his house either as I do have my dogs to take care of. My daughter is 20 years old and does watch the dogs for me here and there as needed, but that is just to let them out and feed them and if anyone knows dogs, they are pack animals and not like a cat that you can just throw them food and water and ignore 24/7. I think in the 4 years that we've been together, with the exception of vacations, we have most likely slept in the same bed all night about a dozen times.

I'm really trying to figure out a way to make this work, but our relationship really is on it's last legs and I'm scared. BF is supposedly working on getting a fence as it is also required by his insurance company for pool regulations, but who knows when that will be....and even then, if I was able to spend a few days here and there with him, would that really be enough? I can't be there when the kids are there because he babies them and it makes my skin crawl! BF says he loves me and doesn't want to break up either, but then again, he isn't willing to change the way he does anything either. To give him the benefit of the doubt, he does make time for us even when he has the kids to go out to dinner and go shopping alone while they stay at home, but thats about the extent of his efforts. I also really worry about how happy I will be in the long run as when my dogs are no longer with me and my daughter is older and moved out, I have an empty nest and can go and do whatever I want whereas BF will still be bogged down with kids...albeit teenagers at that point, but still won't move away, downsize into a condo for instance, etc.

I'm just trying to rack my brain to find a way to make this work, but I'm out of ideas. Is really going to stay at the BFs house for a few days here and there enough to save a relationship? I don't know. Just thinking of the idea of not being with him, being able to talk to him on a daily basis and even having the least bit of interest in another man (or him in another woman) makes me nauseated!

Any thoughts?


FTMandSM's picture

If you are already this unhappy, then it sounds like it's time to move on.

FTMandSM's picture


askYOURdad's picture

"BF says he loves me and doesn't want to break up either, but then again, he isn't willing to change the way he does anything either."

^^^This is your answer.

"doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity." -Einstein

BethAnne's picture

There are couples that make living in two houses work for them on a long term basis. Usually they are independent, have their own security but enjoy each others company. You get to "date" in your relationship for so much longer without having to go through the adjustment period of moving in together and then on the the a bit to comfortable around each other to make an effort stage. For some couples it can be a great way to have a relationship whilst maintaining their previous lifestyles. Personally I don't think it would work for me, but that is not to say it can't work.

It doesn't sound however, like it is working out for you right now. Maybe you two have lost the spark that attracted you together initially and now without having clear plans for your future together you are left wandering what is going to happen and if the relationship is worth it. I would talk to your partner about how each of you would like your relationship to develop in the future say 2,5,10 and 20 years. If his ideas and yours don't match up and you have lost the initial fun in being in a relationship with him and it can't be revived then maybe, yes, you need to reassess the value to you in staying put in the relationship.