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Mourning the loss of my BF today

justthegirlfriend13's picture

No, he hasn't died literally, but I guess I could say that the person he used to be and the person that I fell in love with died and I'm really missing him.

When BF and I first got together, and even though the first 2 years so it wasn't the new relationship feelings, BF was affectionate, cared, wanted nothing more than to me move in with him, etc. As far as the kids go, he had them eowe and some extra time over the main holidays like Christmas, but otherwise, he was perfectly content to be "free" of not having to be a full time dad and even though he took responsibility for the kids and loved them, he didn't live for the kids and always get so upset and guilt stricken over it when they weren't there. He had a full time job where he left work at 6pm each day and we had the rest of the evenings to enjoy each others company, watch movies together, etc. He was also just generally an easy going guy.

Now, my BF is someone else. He wants to have the kids as much as possible and even when they are not with him, he is texting them, upset about the fact that his son is not doing well in school and just trying to overly please the kids and ex out of guilt of course. He works from home now and works 12 hour days as even when we are together in the evening, he's still on the computer. He gets angry and defensive the minute I say anything about the kids, gets irritated very quickly over anything and generally seems unhappy with out relationship. He no longer initiates sex either and as of now, it's been about 3 weeks since we have been intimate. You'd think that he would be happy to take a week off for vacation and go visit some tropical islands with me on a cruise, but the only thing he wants to do is complain about the cruise now. He also has no interest in me moving in with him now.

I know situations change, people change, etc. but I'm really missing the old BF I used to have and our old life. The worse part is, he isn't willing to do anything to get it back. Sad

You'd think that most people's advice to would be to reconnect and get away together to bring back the spark that our relationship used to have, but even though I'm trying to do that, he wants to complain about it and act like it's a burden to go away with me.
I'm at a loss now and have no idea what to do anymore. I don't want to leave him but I'm out of solutions. :?


bluehighlighter's picture

This sounds familiar except that we have SS full time so no breaks really.

We started going to counseling and got really closed to breaking up right before. I don't know what changed but things started to change. He goes to individual counseling also.

He is probably extremely stressed but that doesn't mean that you should take a backseat.

Disneyfan's picture

It sounds like he's pretty much done with the relationship. Right now he wants to focus on work and being a dad, not having a girlfriend. It's a good thing you didn't move in with him.