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My kids Dad and SM

justmakingthebest's picture

I have stated before that we have a great co-parent relationship, I am not here to vent on them, it is more I feel really bad for them!

They moved to California in January, we are on the east coast. We have done semi-long distance before, they were stationed about 3.5 hours away. It was a pain but we made it work. The kids went 1-2 times per month and extended holiday's and school breaks. They also made huge efforts to be here for things like band concerts, and other school functions.

Well my DD is "graduating" from elementry school in a couple of weeks. ExH and his wife booked a flight for it. I offered to FB live it for them (SM and I are friends on social media), but they wanted to come out. They are also flying in for Memorial day weekend and my kids are flying out there Mid/Late June for the summer. I know it isn't any concern of mine but I wish I could find a way to tell them that the kids will be ok if they aren't here for everything.

We can make this work without them spending thousands in extra plane tickets every year. Save that money to do something cool as a family together out there! I don't know, like I said, not my place but I wish I could help calm their nerves. We have a solid parenting plan, there is lots of video chat and they will see them at least once a month for every month but October and Feb., we have great communication... I worry that they are putting too much pressure on themselves. 

Do you think there is anything that I could say to help them not worry so much about missing things? I mean, they sent me the plane itenerary- $680 for a 5th grade graduation. That just seems crazy to me. For her high school graduation- SURE, be here! College, ABSOLUTELY! But 5th grade, LOL. I was a child of the 80's I don't even think my parents came to mine. It was a school assembly in the middle of the day. Dad and SM could have video streamed and sent her flowers and been totally still involved (I think at least!).  


Winterglow's picture

I don't think there's really anything you can say because the chances are that they'd wallow in guilt if they didn't come. I konw that for you it seems extravagant but maybe to them it feels like a necessity. Your ex maybe needs to come, maybe he needs the physical contact with his children. Just a thought ... 


DPW's picture

I don't think there's much you can do. They are deciding their level of involvement, probably based on what is important to them. Kudos to them. I'd let it go. 

beebeel's picture

I say kudos to dad for staying this involved while living so far away. You have no reason to feel bad for them. 

Siemprematahari's picture

I admire the great coparenting you all have going and it's refreshing to see how thoughtful you are in regard to easing their expenses. I'd leave it alone and just let it be. If it becomes too expensive I'm sure they will make the decision to cut back and communicate with you what's going on.