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Ready for SD to GO HOME ALREADY !!!

Julie30's picture

BF's Ex got kids for Christmas Eve & Day but the entire week prior we had the kids full time, since they were out of school. BM didn't care, she just said Great! Stay with Dad and his GF/SM me "who she hates"... Supposedly, because I have yelled at her several times and told her what a piece of crap she is, along with yelling at her son and being a total jail warden when he is in my presence. The 14 year old has stolen from me and my son, his father and who ever else. He is also expelled from school, has wierd behavior and really keeps me on my toes at all times.

Anyways. We were supposed to have them for the New Year's Eve weekend and we did, but then I find out they are both out of school for the week of Jan. 1 thru Jan. 9th and of course they are with us! Does this make any sense. I thought BM was picking them up on Friday, but NOPE - thankfully she picked up her son. But her daughter wanted to stay with us so she said fine. I mentioned on my other blog message that she got a tattoo - an oval with some stars representing her kids, herself and BF's 1st daughter who's 20 and can't stand her. Why?? Have no clue, but she did it for her 38th B'day.. She's a nutt.

But anyways her birtday is Tues. and she told her daughter she would be coming to pick up up tomorrow morning - Monday and taking her out to her grandfather's house so her brother, her, grandpa & BM could all celebrate her birthday and open presents but BF tells daughter to call BM and see what the deal is, because SD wants to stay all day tomorrow also and spend the night. So, BM said fine.. She will pick her up at school on Tues. and have her for her birthday. Then on Wednesday BF will pick her up from school and return her later that night "HOPEFULLY" because her mom has to drop her off at the train station so she can go to Washington DC for a week with her school. So, overall BM will have seen her daughter a total of 3 days out of 4 weeks. Whoopppeee!

Does she not care about seeing her daughter. Or her son because he is with her step dad while she is at home partying, drinking, going to work during the week and begging her Married BF to come see her during the week.

I am READY FOR SD to go home already. We are buying extra food, snacks & of course BF has to make her weeks with us a Disney time.. Full of fun while BM gets the child support check each week.

I also found out a lot of stuff from SD that makes me even more angry but I will post that tomorrow because I am tired. So, that's my blog for tonight. Hope everyone else's situation is less stressful Smile