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SD14 upset with BS15...

Jsmom's picture

This email comes this morning from my DH. SD14 Facebook'd him with this.

do you know why BS15 called my friend & i bitches? i've avioided him all this time & he says right in our face on the bus that were bitches for no reason

I called BS to clarify before he went into class what happened. He explained that she had been trying to be friends with all of his friends and he had ignored it for so long. He told his friend to stop talking to the bitch. Personally - I have no problem with this. She created this mess. You have to read the blogs to fully understand.

Not to mention, the lovely grammar structure and the fact that DH has tried to have countless conversations with her via Facebook, since she won't call him or email him. This is what she finally sends? All these months and maybe 5 one sentence response.

How stupid, does she really think that my son wasn't eventually going to lose it on her. She is lucky as hell that is all he did. I am over here, clapping him finally standing up to this brat. She is so desperate to be friends with everyone, she forgets that he is older and has friends of his own. No 15 year old boy is going to want his 14 year old sister being friends with his friends. Even in a "normal" household. Let alone one where she is suing us. Yes - SD14 actually brought this CO modification up with BM's help. She has not spoken to anyone in this house for 8 months and she is surprised by my BS finally saying something....

I am sure my husband will make an excuse for him, but honestly I want to see his reply to her. He needs to say something like, you need to stay away from BS and his friends. He is very angry with you. You created this reality and I am sorry but there is fall out from that...I doubt he will, he is so trying to have a relationship with her.

I know we are not supposed to feel such animosity for these SK's. But, I do for this one. She has created all of this and there has been no ramifications for her. Nothing, she goes on with the life she wanted. She is never home, she is on facebook telling everyone her very extensive social calendar. Nothing happens to her. In the meantime, we are all left here, trying to be careful with SS12 for fear he gets frustrated and wants BM full time too. Protecting him from the BM is continual. He is so neglected by her, it is all about SD14.

Sorry frustrated today. But, I know that DH and I are going to fight about this. I will not punish my kid for this one. He won't say anything to SD that she needs to learn that their is fall out for her actions. This is not going to just go away. I am afraid that with them on the same bus this is going to get worse.


Jsmom's picture

Sorry to disagree with you on this. However, we don't discuss it in front of the kids. But, he did live here through all this nonsense. He has seen his SD cry about this. The fact that that is all he did, I am thrilled. As for calling a spade a spade. No problem here. I would have issues with him calling someone else that. Sorry, but not her. She caused this mess and you can't do something like that and not have angered some people. She has manuipulated everyone involved. All because she wants no rules....

Saw DH at lunch and yes we argued about this. My point was that he needs to back up my son and tell her to stay away from his friends....

Jsmom's picture

Also I am not taking him to school. He can ride the bus with his friends and if she doesn't like it, her BM can take her.

Anon2009's picture

Who is really more to blame here: SD or her BM? I know that SD has done some pretty awful things, but as the adult, it's BM's job to not alienate her from her dad and instead teach her to treat her SM (you) and stepsiblings with civility. She, as the adult, should not be helping her daughter with this lawsuit that she filed against her father. BM uses SD as her weapon and I am sure SD would face some hefty consequences from BM if she did have a civilized relationship with her dad's side of the family. I think that this is one of many cases where if BM had acted like a civilized adult right from the get-go, things would be much better off today for everyone. I'm not saying SD is right- she is not. But I have a lot of disgust for any parent who acts like BM did/does.

I agree with you that SD and BS need distance from each other. Is BS friends with her on FB? If he is, he should defriend her and set his settings to private.

Jsmom's picture

They are friends on Facebook. But, no communication with each other. She still has him as her sibling. I agree completely. None of this would be this way if it weren't for BM allowing and encouraging it. However, this child has lied and manipulated everyone involved. She is by no means innocent. My son snapped. Should he have called her that, no. But, I will not punish him for it.

Keep in mind this kid is an A student with no problems. A little mouthy once in awhile, but workable. She however has lied and cased her poor dad such stress. Her BM has accused me of things. In the last batch of papers from the lawyer it said I had no maternal instict towards her kids. I have been damned from the begininng with this. My son has seen all of this. He is here 100% of the time and unfortunately can't be sheltered from all of it. SS12 we are able to shelter him more.

Also, keep in mind my child has been with me alone for 8 years since his Dad died. He and I are very close and when all the drama was going on and I was considering leaving countless times because of her, he was the one that wanted to stay. I stayed for him.