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I just don't know what I'm doing and feel like I should know.

joanrose's picture

Hi. I am 41, my boy(man)friend is 43. We have been dating 2.5 years, he has a son who is 12 years old and has known of me for 1.5 years.

My boyfriend did not introduce to his family for the first year we were together. He is weird to me about some things, like for example he still lives with his mom in the house he grew up in.

Nothing is wrong with that, but there are so many other things, I have to put them in words. This is my start.

But now most importantly, I want to know if I should give up. I have a stepdad, he's fine, my brother and sister were cool with him, I wasn't, maybe this is karma.

Thanks for your patience and understanding !!!


joanrose's picture

Thank you, Melody3. I am an open minded person, maybe too much. There are so many problems with my relationship with him, I feel like if one problem left, I could handle it. But 1. He has anger issues 2. He caters to his son 3. He caters to his son's mom who has 3 kids with 3 men 4. He is mean to me and I am not a priorty in his life.

I h

joanrose's picture

I should elaborate. I want his son to like me. Last year, during the summer, I thought his son might like me. We rode bikes together to dairy queen and stuff. But in the past 6 months, I cant say anything without a snotty remark. I try not to say anything, but if I say, "The sky is blue" I get "No it's not, you don't know what you're talking about, my mom...." My boyfrined and his mom haven't been together since 2006 (it's 2015, he was born in 2003. His mom has 3 kids with 3 different fucking men. she has dated many men.) My boyfriend hasn't brought anyone home to his mom or me since he's had his son.

Sometimes I wonder if he's still in love with her. Ive asked him. he insists he's not. God, I just want to know.

BSgoinon's picture

Some of that probably is just hormones and pre-teen crap. 12 is a tough age, not that it gives him permission to act like that, but it is a good possibility that it has nothing to do with you at all.

Disneyfan's picture

Why do you want the son to like you, when it sounds like the man doesn't like or respect you?

hereiam's picture

My boyfriend did not introduce to his family for the first year we were together. He is weird to me about some things, like for example he still lives with his mom in the house he grew up in. Nothing is wrong with that.

Really? And there are many other things? Like what?

When you say "still" lives with his mother, do you mean he has never lived on his own before?

Is there something in particular that is making you think about giving up or just too much weirdness in general?

new to this's picture

My DH lived with his mom when we first started seeing each other, he was in his 40's. He hadn't always lived there, but his stepdad is an alcoholic and I think his mom liked having DH there sorta as a barrier/protector. So depending on the circumstances I might could over look him living with his mom. But now him not introducing me to his family for a year that would be a big red flag to me. I mean why not? He ashamed of you? These are questions I would need answers too.

The change in his son could be that he sees since you have been around a while that you are not a fleeting moment and he is afraid you won't go away so he can have dad to himself like he has always had.

I know I don't know the whole story but i'm going to say this from experience, you are 41, if you don't feel it's right and you are having red flags I would move on. I'm 51, have been with my DH for six years now, I promise you I had red flags the first three years of our relationship and I married him anyway, 3 months after we got married his daughter moved in with us, if I had not signed those papers I would be gone. Those red flags we feel in our gut are usually there for a reason.

Amber Miller's picture

Follow your instincts. I think you know the right answer. No one has the right to be mean to you. You don't need someone who mistreats you in your life. Anger issues? You've been together 1.5 years? I would high tail it out of there. I married a man with anger issues; my exH. He beat my ass twice and that was enough for me. I'm not saying everyone with anger issues behaves like this. Heck, I've got anger issues too. I'm working on it but it is something to pay attention to.
Please love yourself enough to see the writing on the wall. Life is too short to waste on someone who is raising these red flags in your mind after 1.5 years of dating. I wasted 6 years of my life with my 1st husband. I finally got out, met my DH and found someone who values me and loves me and my kids.
Maybe you should take some time to be alone and think about why you want to be in this relationship. I wish you luck. Take care

joanrose's picture

Thank you all. I l love your advice. i may not follow it. LOL. I was in a long 10 year relationship before him, then didn't see anyone for 5 years because I didn't like anyone. I fell for this new guy hard. I just want to know if I should leave it or stay. There are many things I love about him, but there are so many I don't. And I'm so insecure that I"m not sure if it's me or him. Grr.

joanrose's picture

But I guess it comes downs to if his son likes me or not. I don't want to be with a guy who's son hates me. I think his son does not like me.. IF thats the case, I'd rather move on.

Disneyfan's picture

This has to be a joke.

I can't, I just can't

The man can treat me like yesterday's garbage, but if his son likes me, the I'll stay in the relationship. Where they do that at??? (Yes, I just put on my ghetto hat)

Disneyfan's picture


BethAnne's picture

Do you want to still be in this relationship in 5 years time? There are a number of red flags here that I have experienced in previous relationships and I am glad that I have moved on from them. The one that I've experienced before is having a bad temper. With my ex it did get less frequent over time but it was still there and at times it was pretty scary or just frustrating to have to deal with temper tantrums from a grown man. He also lived at home longer than is usual (into late 20's for him) and was coddled by his parents. He had just moved out when I met him and had a lot to learn about being mature. I met him when I was 21 and it was tough going out with an older guy who acted somewhere between a toddler and a teenager. I can't imagine living with that in my 40's. Also, I would consider how much of the parenting his mother does with the grandson, and ask yourself if your boyfriend would expect you to take on her role if you two were to ever move in together. You would also have the grandmother critiquing your parenting skills in addition to the boy's birth mother, is that worth dealing with?

TBH from what you have written it sounds like you are unhappy in this relationship and want someone to tell you that you should leave. Trust yourself and your gut. You know there are lots of things wrong with this situation. Sure there are probably some positives but do they really outweigh the negatives? I'm sure that you could find a much better man than him or simply have a much easier life being single and not having to deal with his temper and baggage.

In the short term as for the SS questioning everything you say you need to mention it to your boyfriend and tell him that you are fed up with it and that you expect it to stop as it is disrespectful. Kids should not answer back at adults and comparing people to others all the time is rude. If SS starts to question you. Just tell him "I am right and I will not argue with you" then refuse to engage with him until he stops trying to argue with you. Your boyfriend should back you up if SS continues. If he doesn't back you up take that as yet another red flag that he won't insist that his son respects you and is unlikely to do so in the future and ask yourself if you can live with that going forward.