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Update to first blog

Jlbfinch's picture

I previously wrote a post about my former inlaws wanting to visit my kids after not seeing or even inquiring about them since Christmas 2012. I was torn on whether or not I should allow it bc my husband was really opposed to the idea and also bc my kids don't know their paternal relatives and I didn't want to open a confusing can of worms. I got a lot of good advice on here and after debating it some more I sent a message to my ex-MIL on April 21st letting her know when my DDs next soccer game was and also inviting her to lunch after the game. Well it's been over two weeks now and no response. I sent it through FB messenger so I can tell that it's been read. I think my ex-MIL contacted me bc she was feeling nostalgic and once that feeling went away she lost interest. I wasted way too much energy trying to figure out what I should do, that's for sure.


DaizyDuke's picture

MILs are dumb. the end.

MIL was bitching to DH a couple of weeks ago about how she feels like she never sees BS6 (well, it's true she doesn't because she is so far shoved up BM1's ass that she'll do things with BMs kids that are of ZERO relation to MIL before she'll make an effort to do anything for BS6.. but I digress) Yet she has NEVER been to one soccer game, one baseball game, one karate class.. NOTHING. DH said he told her, well all you have to do is ask for a schedule and you can come see him at one of his MANY events... but of course that has never happened.

She did want to take BS6 to the circus.... only when she thought she had an extra ticket and AFTER she asked if BM1 3 kids (who are ZERO relation i.e. different baby daddies than SD18) wanted to go. I told her no, sorry we were busy that day. Gonna be a cold day in hell before I send my son off to a huge event with MIL and FIVE other kids in tow (she was taking my 2 nieces as well) especially when 3 of those skids belong to BM1 and NOT DH. And MIL wonders why I don't have anything to do with her....

Last In Line's picture

Eh, she probably had a few drinks in her.

If she contacts you again, ignore, ignore, ignore.

Jlbfinch's picture

Definitely never again. The last thing my DH had to say on the matter was "do what you want but don't expect me to think it's a good idea or have anything to do with it." It sucks that the whole thing created a few days of tension in my house and it was all for nothing.