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Hey FDH, maybe you could get your balls back sometime this year?!! That would be great! Thanks......

JJlove's picture

So as of yesterday, the two weeks were over that SS8 was here. My kids and I were in Dallas and just got back yesterday. I didn't want to be here anyway! Apparently while I was gone DH had a talk with SS8 about how respecting adults is very important and how lying is bad, etc. So, SS8 went home and told BM that DH told him that he better learn to love me because I am going to be his Stepmom and that if not, he won't be able to see my two kids ever again. So BM is super pissed at DH and said she is going to try for supervised visits because apparently DH and myself are dangerous and manipulative and verbally abusive!! haha...that just makes me laugh! I'm being accused of saying "little jerk, dumbass and shit-head"!!! Well let's see....everytime SS8 comes over, my son (7) gets hurt and the last time ended up in the ER with an eye injury- could I have possibly said "dumbass" under my breath....yes it's possible since I'm sitting with MY son in the ER bc of SS!!! just makes me want to scream!!! Could I have said "you two stop being little jerks to each other".....highly probable! But never did "shit head" come out of my mouth! Maybe towards DH a time or two....but never to SS!
DH said he didn't say any of the things that SS told BM, but once again SS8 has manipulated BM into thinking whatever he wants. BM sent us a lovely little email only for "documentation" purposes! Whatever! Also, BM wants DH, SS8 and herself to go see OUR counselor because apparently SS trusts her and no-one else. I think it's totally innappropriate for them to be going as a "family" and I told my Dh that and he told me it would NOT be a good idea if I went and basically told me that I cannot! Wow....maybe DH should have tried a little harder with BM to make it work- they are now back in "family" counseling and it's all surrounding BM not wanting SS around ME!!!...and I am not even allowed to be there to defend myself?! It's ludacris and I'm LIVID!! I don't see an end in sight................ :jawdrop:


blendedfamilyinsanity's picture

FAMILY COUNSELING WHAT!? HELLLL NOOO! You tell him he goes you are out! That is BS! OMG I am soo with you, livid at even reading this! Absolutely not. The only family that needs to go to counseling would be yourself, your husband and the child. If the BM thinks the kid has problems with adjusting then she can take him to counseling herself! OMG OMG I am stunned! What could he be thinking! Absolutely inappropriate and I bet you the COUNSELOR will say the same thing!