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JJlove's Blog

How to handle EOW....

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Ok so, when your DH does not have the kids, does he feel like he still has to go to EVERYTHING that SS or SD events? It's gotten to where even when it's not our weekend to have SS8, my fiance feels like he STILL has to go to everything SS does! So that means all of my f*ing weekends are shot now bc BM likes to shove SS into every sport imaginable so she does not have to deal with him! Ugh- Im so pissed! Fiance and I just totally had it out regarding this. He's like, Im not going to just go to my son's things only when I have him. I'm like- hello!!??

This hatred for BM is ruining me........

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Been doing some chatting with my best friend..... My fiancé is always saying that he wishes I could just make SS8 part of the family, etc. Well, about a year ago, BM threatened CPS on me and has now made it where I am not allowed to discipline this kid at all. How can I put all that aside and let this kid into my "core" family and make him feel welcome when I am not allowed to "parent" him? Im not wanting to mother him one bit, but if my 8 yr old says shut up and then SS8 says shut up, Im only allowed to tell my kid that that language is not allowed in this house.

Hey FDH, maybe you could get your balls back sometime this year?!! That would be great! Thanks......

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So as of yesterday, the two weeks were over that SS8 was here. My kids and I were in Dallas and just got back yesterday. I didn't want to be here anyway! Apparently while I was gone DH had a talk with SS8 about how respecting adults is very important and how lying is bad, etc. So, SS8 went home and told BM that DH told him that he better learn to love me because I am going to be his Stepmom and that if not, he won't be able to see my two kids ever again.

How does BM have the control in MY HOUSE!!!

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So, BM has been saying for two months now that SS isn't allowed over to our house because she thinks I am "unstable, mean", etc! SS has been going home for sometime now fabricating lies and of course everyone believes them....don't account the fact that SS is a problem child- not just at my house, but at school and the bus and in his own neighborhood!!!! But, when the comments are made about me- all hell breaks loose!

SS6 and SD12 and BOTH BM's run our life due to guilt!!! Ugh!

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I can't handle it anymore!!!! I've had problems with SS6 ,for 4 1/2 yrs now. I know this is harsh, and please don't think I haven't tried... But the relationship is totally forced and fake. There is no love and no connection. He doesn't follow rules, he's rude and he teaches my son bad habits. He is so manipulative and plays BM and DH like a violin! It's horrible! I dread every other weekend and 1mo. in the summer! BM is literally the devil. She talks shit about my son, makes fun of us bc we go to church, calls my DH waaay too much!! It's an issue. BM and I have zero contact..