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jj1072's picture

My DH am I have know each other for 5yrs and married for 4mths. We do have a child together and we are a blended family also. He has a 17D,16S and 9S(from another relationship then the oldest 2). I have a 17D,15S, 10S. Yes lots of of April his DD lives with Bio who had moved here just last Aug. She is awful..a kid in an adult body. My DH has the primary custody of the children but they have wanted to be with Bio always. I understand but she is truly awful. When her son still lived her she gave him a rifle to have and didn't tell us! She figured because it didn't have ammo it was ok!! He was showing the younger boys and running around the house with it! How hard would it be for him to know someone who could have ammo?? that they live with her the Daughter decided her 1st BF should be her bro best friend..pretty nice huh? Yea the best friend who spends the night all the time but hey they sleep in "separate areas" of the house...of course they will say that. The SD wanted to be with her mom so badly she told some awful things to my DD friends to have them turn on her and then tell her dad that she just couldn't live here she got her way. Yes i know maybe he should have said NO but he didn't..he thought it would be best. They just aren't very nice at all...the SD says much nicer things to her dad now but I have see her write on a blog that she believes he is a two face manipulative liar...guess where she gets that from? Yes her mom tells the children unbelievable things from their see she has had CPS in her life..and even got her family evicted from their home due to the lack of supervision of the children. She was hooked to online games and social networks..she cheated on her husband at the time many many times. So basically she will not tell her children any of the truth and tells all lies to make herself look much of the truth is in black and white and my DH plans to tell the kids once they reach adulthood. I don't feel they will believe it though...they have heard their moms lies for so many years. It is so sad...oh well that is the crazy life I am in now..I love my DH and wish things were so much better because he is such a great dad!(oh and he has now won custody the last two times she has taken him to court and of course the 1st time during the divorce. He wins every-time by just showing and telling the courts the crazy things she does..last time was the gun..they were all shocked!)


jj1072's picture

Thank you for your response!! I never speak to the crazy Bio and I really don't speak to his kids either..they don't live here and never odd to me. I did tell him he needs to step it up and take a stand in his children lives because now his DD is messing with fire having the bf over all the time. His son is also heading down the wrong path..he now smokes because his best friend does and my DH has been on him about it..well, as much as he can since he never sees him well, the bio bought her son for his 16th bday a flippin lighter!!! So yes she is now encouraging this behavior and tells my DH its addiction! Aghhh so frustrating and my DH feels like he is up against a brick wall since he is the parent who is sane and the bio is absolutely crazy but wow talk about freedom for these day they will see the truth. Just hope its not too late for them and their future! Something bad could happen..preganacy,drugs, etc and then they relaize the truth...and maybe the bio will see what my DH has been telling her all along!! Sad

AVR1962's picture

JJ1072, sounds like the very thing I have had to deal with for 21 years. Your husband's ex did the very same as my husband's ex....what an awful situation to have to deal with for everyone. Husband's ex has never stopped being difficult and telling lies has been her specialty. Unfortunately these people can actually get thru to the child and that's what happend in our situation. It is called parental alienation and while you and I might not understand why a parent would do this, it is very real and very devestating. I always hoped my SSs would be able to see thru their mother's lives but at 26 & 28 they seem to be feeding into them instead.