Going crazy
So my high school sweet heart and I recently got married in N.C. Outer Banks, he has a daughter (8yrs) with his ex named Jen. I absolutley can not stand her. Anyway, we got back from our vacation/wedding August 22,2009 (Sat), the following Monday Joe (my husband) gets a phone call that she's taking him back for more child support because her and her fiance broke up and she can't afford to pay the bills by herself. So I quote her,"well now that your married you can afford to pay more child support".....at that moment, I wanted to reach through the phone and rip her throat out! So she's bascially saying now that he's married to me, he can give HER more money so she can go out and buy her weed and in the meantime, I am forced to pay more of the household bills because she's an evil, manipulative, poor excuse for a human being. UGH, this isn't even a quarter of the mental and emotional hell I've been through because of her....but since I'm new to this site, I'll keep it at a minimum.it's just nice to be able to vent every once in awhile...
- Jenn330's blog
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Well it doesn't matter what
Well it doesn't matter what 'she' says, she can say whatever she wants, just don't let it affect you. If your state doesn't take account a new spouses income, then it just doesn't and thats that. Doesn't matter how much money YOU make. Let it roll off your shoulder girl, this is actually just a laughable matter b/c once she finds this out, SHE will look like the fool for threatening you guys with this.
“The challenge is to help couples turn "I Do" into "We Can."
Our BM is trying this same
Our BM is trying this same thing with us. We are getting married soon, and she pulls the "I have to pay bills all by myself, you guys have a double income". Um yeah...double income also means double bills. Duh! Luckily in Okla my income will never be included in the mix. They take our rent and utilities and cut them in half and add that too his solo bills. Then it goes from there. So definately look into your states laws on that. But I feel your frustration, even though they say he pays half I really pay atleast 75% of our joint bills. It sucks...but it's do-able. Good luck!
"Live well, Love much, Laugh often."
Well luckily for me PA
Well luckily for me PA doesn't allow her to cut into my pay either. But it's very frustrating when she takes him back for more support because her and her boyfriend split! I don't understand how that is our responsbility but I guess there are "flaw" with the system. They entered into a private agreement as far as the child support goes so she could actually get alot more out of him but since we have the child every Tues and Thurs and everyother weekend, she's "cutting" us a break....ugh! The headaches continue, I just can't wait until she's 18.
Funny.... I was GONNA say
Funny.... I was GONNA say that my ex's wife is named Jen and I can't stand her! My sister-in-law is Jen too and I can't stand her either! In fact.... pretty much (though not all) every Jen I have ever met irritates the crap out of me.... Then I noticed that your name is Jenn too! LOL
Well that's nice of you!
Well that's nice of you!
the funny thing is, just about every Jen I meet irritates the crap out of me as well, except ME, I'm the exception......
I think you guys are right.
I think you guys are right. From my experience you have to prove a "biological financial responsibility" to the children for your income to qualify...whether you have phyisical custody or not. In other words, if you have custody but BM is married and unemployed you are still SOL.
I think its ridiculous that
I think its ridiculous that these women think they are entitled to extra money from the father of their children simply because he had remarried and they still havent found another sucker to marry them! We went through the same hellish first couple months of marriage. Come to think of it we have been married for almost two years so I guess its the same hellish first couple of years
LOL!! Lucky for you it
LOL!! Lucky for you it doesn't work that way.
CS is based on HIS income,
CS is based on HIS income, so I don't get how she took him back for more?
BM was unemplotyed and we reminded her dumb self that she has a legal requirement to move towards being self sufiicient. Too bad that she's unemployed. Why should you suffer for that?
They entered into a private
They entered into a private agreement bc we have her so often, so she can take him back year after year for more money if she wants. She's not getting the total amount she could get, so I guess I shouldn't complain too much, it just pisses me off that bc she can't make a relationship work, we have to pay for it! She never complained of the amount she was getting when they were together.