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Hmm...another piece of the MIL puzzle

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DH and MIL got into it last night after he sent messages to FIL (see previous blog). Lots of gaslighting, playing the victim, etc, per usual. And- get this- THEY'RE now the ones being alienated from the kids by us because we don't visit as often as they want and we've told them we're busy when they wanted to stop by (which happened twice). 

But anyway, at the end of the convo MIL gave some unsolicited coparenting advice to DH and said that is what she learned in her experiences with normal SIL and in counseling. Quick background recap- normal SIL was raised by her dad because MIL lost custody. MIL claims it was because she didn't have any money, but I highly doubt that because it was in the 80s when mothers didn't lose custody. And it's not like her ex husband was wealthy- just average. So I'm wondering if this was court ordered counseling? Her state doesn't mandate parenting classes now so I doubt they did back then. Hmm...I want to know the rest of this story as to why she lost custody and if she was required to do counseling.

Oh also, the unsolicited advice was that DH needs to "get on the same page as BM" with parenting SD. Which I interpreted as get SD back because the sh*t her and SIL pulled backfire and SD is around even less.


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