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Yes, DH you are THAT gullible and blind

ITB2012's picture

Last night DH and I were watching a show (and we've been binge watching it). He jokes that I'm just like one of the characters in the show, so I say that means he's that character's husband. There have been some spots where we both point at each other. In the episode last night one of the kids was doing something in-your-face wrong and the dad didn't catch it at all. The scene wasn't subtle, either. DH made a point to say that there's no way a parent wouldn't catch that and he wouldn't be that bad. I said that yes, there are parents like that. DH thought I meant him. I said I do mean him. He said he's not that bad.

So, of course being me and from watching years of this, I quoted a conversation from a dinner where OSS was pretending to be getting sick and unable to eat, DH and I started talking about one of his favorite topics (not on purpose) and OSS joined in all happy and fine, then the second the topic was done he was back to moaning and fake coughing. And DH bought the whole thing. I know he remembers that because in front of DH I leaned over to OSS and told him it was a good try but if he really wants to be believable he shouldn't break character.

No surprise that DH was unhappy I brought that up, but he kept his mouth shut. I hope he realized that that was just one example of many.


Chmmy's picture

What are you watching?  We started watching Parenthood.  I told DH I couldn't watch it with him anymore because it reminds me of his shitshow parenting style

ITB2012's picture

I'm Clare in Modern Family which makes him Phil. And in the episode we were watching it was totally obvious Haley had just snuck into the house but Phil totally missed it.

Willow2010's picture

I normally keep my mouth shut when DH conveniently miss remembers the past.  lol. you, I just have to poke it every now and then.

A while back, we were talking about something and school suspensions came up.  And he said something about SS got suspended "that one time".  I LOL'd and then said that SS got suspended mutiple time.  DH truly thought it was only one time.  So me and my big mouth said .... remember the time he got suspended for....

Stealing from the teachers lounge.  

Got in a fight.  

Taking a box cutter to school

Got in a fight.

Stole a student cell phone.

Got in a fight.

Sexual Harassment

Got in a fight.  

DH stopped me there. 

DHs response you ask....

" Oh yea...I forgot about all of that.  But all of those fights were because everyone bullied SS and he had to fight"

Gag.  I should have never opened my mouth.  lol

thinkthrice's picture

bring up the atrocities that took place because Chef is a great revisionist.