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I could train a monkey to do a better job raising kids than BM?

ddakan's picture

Yes, I believe so. Monkeys have an actual intelligence level not present in BMs character. BM could, however, pose as a box of rocks, but that would be insulting the rocks, because not even rocks are that stupid.

Just my observation for the day.


Tigerlilly's picture

That was the funniest $#it I've in a long time! Thanks, I needed that today, seeing as my SD5 came back to our house and hadn't took a bath in two days. SMH.

DaizyDuke's picture

I hear ya... SS11's BM sent DH a text message the other day asking him to "incourge" SS to be careful while skiing... um hello? Maybe if BM wasn't having her first illegitimate child at 16 she might have been able to do better in school and could spell "encourage". probably explains why she's 36 years old and a waitress, but at least she's got a part time job! Go BM!