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Is she addicted?

imreadytorun's picture

So SD17 drinks NyQuil like crazy. We had to start hiding it so she got her boyfriend to buy her some. The bottle was gone in less than a week. I asked where she got it and she said he got it for her. I said after we took it away and told you that you can't have NyQuil. She attitudingly said ya. Her dad was there and never said a word! Then last weekend a went in her room to fetch something of mine and I see one of my pain pills on her nightstand. I tell her dad and nothing is said. Yesterday I went in her room to get my computer and saw pills on the nightstand so I looked them up. Come to find out they are sleep aid pills. So I inform her dad and nothing is said.
Now if she didn't come home everyday and take a 3 hour nap
She wouldn't need sleep aid pills but of course I can't say that because I'm hating on her again.
I think she has or is developing a problem.
I cannot continue walking around my house in silence - it getting to the point I don't even wanna be there rather be at work!


Harleygurl's picture

Counseling and make sure dad is involved and BM if she's in the picture! A guy I work with has a daughter that started out in a similar way. She would take a pill here and there from her dad's or stepmom's bathroom. Jump forward 2 years - she just got out of her second bout of rehab for heroin addiction. One thing leads to another. Her dad didn't want to accept what he was seeing although the step-mom, who was previously married to a drug addict, would tell him the signs and signals that were there. His daughter coded in the hospital when one of her friend's snuck her in some heroin. She has Hep C and liver functioning at 30% and she's ONLY 18!

omgsaveme's picture

Could she have problems falling asleep at night ? Thats a new one, getting high off sleeping pills.

queenofthedamned's picture

red flags all over the place. kids think shit like Nyquil is safe because it's over the counter but the acetaminophen in it can kill the liver fairly easily, especially if other drugs or alcohol are involved.

and Aquarian, I totally agree with you about wishing weed was the worst thing out there. alcohol, and OTC and prescription drugs will kill ya long before weed does.

Jsmom's picture

I have to take a sleeping pill every day since perimenopause started and it is not even a traditional one, since they do not work for me...I will tell you that if she misses the window to fall asleep it is definitely a type of high and then it passes you out.

She is drug seeking and that is just the start. Your husband needs to wake up. If she is using it to sleep, than she may have some type of bi-polar or anti-depression that is causing her not to sleep. That needs to be explored before 18. We have SD17 that is also drug seeking but her drugs of choice is e and pot. I am staying out of her issues because we have no custody. But, if she was mine, she would be in some type of facility.

Your husband needs to wake up....

imreadytorun's picture

Thanks for the input guys but the problem is I don't know how to get him to wake up becuz he always thinks I'm picking on her! My son was addicted to pills and my husband was in the picture during the time and he was so harsh and unfeeling about it or anything to do with him. Is he that blind that he doesn't see the wrong his daughter does? Is he that blind he doesn't see what this is doing to our marriage?
Maybe he just doesn't care enough about the marriage!

HadEnoughx5's picture

Sounds like she's abusing anything she can get her hands on in the medicine cabinet or the drugstore. I would try and talk to DH one more time and tell him your concerns and if HE chooses to NOT do anything about it, then that is HIS decision and your done with the issue.

I read your previous post and it sounds like you are an army of one when it comes to SD. Your SD has some problems and DH wants to put his head in the sand and unfortunately there isn't a damn thing you can do about DH's choices.

I think you need to disengage from SD and DH, that merry-go-round. If SD avoids asking you questions and only goes to DH, let her. She obviously finds dear Daddy as the weak link to get what she wants.

Set your boundaries of what you will and will not do. You said you made a chore list for SD. Then surrender that to SD and DH, and let it go. Don't say anything to DH and when he asks WHY things are looking like chaos/ messy/ not clean- hand him the chore list he AGREED too. But don't get into an argument about it. Just hand it to him.

So when Friday comes along (tomorrow) clean everything but what is on the list.

Focus on yourself and the relationship with DH. Let SD be DH's problem, he'll only have himself to blame.

imreadytorun's picture

Awesome advice. I just don't know how I can focus on the relationship with DH with the resentment that I already have.

HadEnoughx5's picture

I know it's difficult. And it will be harder because SD lives with you. Please don't take this the wrong way but you need to create a life of your own. Create some activities for yourself to get yourself out of the house. Friends, hobbies, the gym etc. Ask DH to go out on a date maybe once a week. DO NOT have conversation about SD ever, unless DH has an epiphany that his daughter needs help and he wants ADVICE on how to help her.

Your conversations with DH should be about what happened in each other's day, finances, what you did when you went out with friends etc. Keep SD out of your head and put it into HIS head, through YOUR actions.

Just keep acting "as if" and hopefully it will get easier for you.

AND...get that fucking truck out of your side of the garage. If that truck is SO IMPORTANT to DH, let him give up his side of the garage for his dear, helpless SD.

imreadytorun's picture

I looked in the cabinet this morning and the Benadryl had been messed with. I went in her room and sure enough there was an empty Benadryl packet on her night stand. I cudnt find anymore of the sleep aid pills anywhere so she resorted to Benadryl?

HadEnoughx5's picture

Yup, Benadryl is a HUGE sleep aid. When I worked in a nursing home, the nurses would give Benadryl to the patients if they needed something for sleep.

imreadytorun's picture

Well I just informed him of the Benadryl finding and alerting him I was hiding them. I so informed him I was going to seek out a counselor for myself and he cud participate or not but I need to go for my sake and sanity. I am not going to continue walking around my house feeling like a stranger and being disrespected. I work nights and come home and tend to the house on my days off while she lays on her ass in bed when not at school. I wud beat my kids asses if they ever disrespected my husband or talked to me the way she talks to him. She thinks we live in her world but she's sadly mistaken. I've been divorced before and not afraid to do it again and if he allows the bitch to let it get to that level then he deserves to be on his own and totally deal with her himself!