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Update on situation (Calm before the storm)

imagr8tma's picture

If you read back in my previous posts - you will see that DH and I are dealing with the BM from hell. She has traded spaces with Satan if you ask me......

Anyways - We did hire the lawyer - he went over the 5 years of documentation my DH had kept, and the file the counselor kept on the sessions.

Well - the last two sessions were really in our favor. The counselor commented on the lies the BM has been telling the child. Stated the BM's behavior has the child (sd5) in a very confused mental state. AND that the BM has changed the story several times to the counselor.

Further - the counselor noted on the last session documentation (mind you the date was Jan 27) that she called BM's attorney and suggested GAL be brought on because it is not her job to decipher which of BM's lies are true, her actions are harming the child, her stories do not match what the child states in individual sessions. Her exact words "What the mother states is a complete 180% difference in what the father, stepmother and child stated during sessions."

So now - i am quite sure her lawyer called her and told her (BM) this information. Now she is just the nicest person ever. Even called DH to see if he would like to pick sd up early on Friday - no arguing which is unusual. Took sd out of cheerleading so that it "would not interfere with DH's weekends" (no duh we told her that she could cheer on the alternate weekends - but BM took her out). She stopped sending all the extra meds that the doctor said were no longer necessary. AND has just been pleasant to deal with the past two weeks.

My guess her lawyer has told her - she has dug a terrible hole for herself. AND if DH gets wind of it - She is in for a fight for custody. BM even called DH to say she was not going to file the paperwork to contest the 6 weeks in the summer.

SO - I want to see what happens when she gets what our lawyer is filing. DH is going for custody and supervised visits for BM until she can get a psych eval to see what her issue is..........

They were never married. (Note: got this from DH - but i know there are two sides to each story) Dated for years - broke up shortly after she was told she was pregnant. Have not been together since. He has always paid child support - never late - in full on time. Gives her extra monies. Picks his little lady up every other weekend and holidays - doesn't complain. DH was married once before and she told the counselor he married his x-wife behind her back. She also told the counselor that DH and I are not married that we lied to SD and are only friends. She also lied about my bd's age - why i don't know. She knows the truth. We are open and honest - so she was not blindsided by anything.

- We need to know why she is over medicating the child #1
- Why she is deliberatley telling her i am abusing her #2
- Why she told a 5 year old that she has nightmares because her dad and I supposedly will kill her in her sleep.
- Why she tells her if she comes to visit her dad will beat her
- Why she tells her daughter to hide clothes and then she will not have to come
- AND anything else we don't know about - We are still waiting on the latest session notes.

How freaking crazy is this about to get...... I think she is about to go off the deep end. We are afraid for sd - who knows what the next level will be. I really think she needs some help letting go the fact that they broke up with him anymore) or whatever the reason why she has gotten to the level of mental abuse for my precious little sd.

All i can say is - this is the calm before the storm i am sure.


Most Evil's picture

This is a very strange situation, for sure!! I would definitely try to get custody if you can!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

imagr8tma's picture

She is crazy and all of this is strange.

For the life of me - I can not understand how they broke up before my DH got married the first time. She didn't act a fool then towards the first wife - Just him.

Now that he has gotten divorced and remarried - She has let the crazy side of her come out ....

I really don't understand her at all.

I am starting to think that since she does not have a boyfriend and has never been married. That revenge against my DH for what ever reason has gotten out of hand for her.

He (DH) says she really only left him alone - meaning not doing evil things for about 9 months. He is guessing she had a boyfriend at that time.

I just don't understand what has pushed her over the edge. I know the - well from what i was told - the xwife really was not involved with DH's daughter. She was completely hands off about most things.

The biggest difference is that i am a mom. I love my sd like my own. I include her in the group with my bd13 and my 8 neices and nephews. I am active in her life as well. I attend her school events, dance receitals and other activites. I take her along on my family outings and functions. Why wouldn't I.... She is a part of my family.

I think this is the reason she has gone nuts..... But i don't understand why.